The OP ChestPlate

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Focke-Wulf-190D, Nov 5, 2016.

  1. Hi. I have a question regaurding the chest plate that simply can't be answered in wc.
    Why do you say it takes 10k items when in reality it is over 35k to get this chest plate.

    Idk if this is a business tactic but its kinda frustrating believing you had enough for the op plate only to find out you still need 3x as much.

    I know im a dumb noob, so hush bout that

    Thank you
  2. How did you not realize that after 250 to 500? that's just sad. :lol:
  3. The diagram clearly shows how much each step takes. Why is this an issue?
  4. It says 10k fot the last level. 0_O
  5. He's asking why it has to be a grand total of 35k.
  6. Its just math
  7. When you look in the preview section, if you have say. 10K dew, it will tell you you have the chest plate even if you only have the the shoulders or any other one for that matter. It's confusing and I see where he's coming from.
  8. If you didn't figure out that's how much the enchantment cost after seeing the second upgrade be at a cost of 500 rather than another 250 which would equal 500 total, you're kinda slow.

    Guess it can't be helped people will complain and moan about everything and anything done in this game.
  9. I can see how the chart could be confusing. In fact, I originally assumed it was a total of 10k to go to chest plate. I figured it out quickly when there wasn't any upgrade options except one at a time. So I did exactly that and, while it took more time than originally expected, I ended up with my chest plate. Just equipped it to see how it looks. ;)
  10. The chestplate looks like a helmet to me
  11. Diagram seems pretty clear to me ;)

  12. I really can't wrap my head around failing to understand that diagram
  13. Not there when you look at the event chest thingie \_(ツ)_/¯
  14. Your head isn't very bendy then lel
  15. You're so funny
  16. The problem is in the preview window. The diagram isn't there and the people who don't visit forums won't see the cash out process. So yes, it is misleading to those people.
  17. It takes a couple of minutes to check the forums. The event thread is almost always in active topics. There is a splash page when you log in which will link you direct to that thread. If folks can't be bothered that's their fault. No one suckered them in
  18. Yes I've said all of that before in the past as well and I agree that people should educate themselves with information posted in forums.

    But we both know that doesn't happen all the time. It wouldn't hurt devs to clarify how the enchantment process works in that preview menu. I know they won't but that's just my two cents.
  19. Thank you for pointing out this OP. If you play this game casually as most people do this detail is easy to miss.
  20. And Yall called me a noob.

    Apparently ATA wasn't smart enough

    Respek me