US Presidential Election - 8 Days Remaining

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Seth, Oct 31, 2016.

  1. Do you guys even know what left wing actually means?
    I quote: "the radical, reforming, or socialist section of a political party or system."
    So in this instance, Trump is as left wing as Hillary, if not more.
    Cause building a wall around a country (no offence China), deporting all migrants, getting rid of universal healthcare, restructuring the economy is all quite radical stuff.

    Plus Hillary ain't even a bit socialist, look at what happened to Bernie Sanders. She initiated the backdoor intrigue between other Democrat candidates/congressmen to make it nearly impossible for BS to be chosen as their representative.
  2. I'm not from the USA but looking at this as someone from outside your country it appears that no matter who wins you all lose.
  3. Hillary is for Hillary, 'nuff said
  4. Trump has said nothing about deporting all migrants. If you want to act like you know what your talking about get the facts right. Trump said he will deport the illegal immigrants aka illegal aliens or undocumented immigrants same thing. They shouldn't be coming into any country without the proper procedure. They know what they are doing and instead they decided to not do it the right way. It's like if you went to another country without a passport and you snuck in the country what does that country do with you? They send you back to your original country that is what trump wants to do. He wants them to do it the right way hmmmmmm what a wonderful concept.
  5. Typical response, neglecting to deal with the other issues that I mentioned. However, granted, I did not allude to what I was saying properly enough. When I said get the migrants out, I was mostly speaking about his policy of completely preventing the influx of any and all Muslims (legal or otherwise)
  6. Do you know what ignorance means? Plus you need to be more specific on the he said because the way you are trying to explain yourself (A+ for effort) not pretty sure on which he is the he that you are talking about.
  7. Dude what? You should use your own advice, "not pretty sure on which he is the he that you are talking about", I hope no further commentary is required.
    On the second point, yes I am aware of what ignorance means, I was referring to the possible ignorance of people (not excluding veterans) with regards to his views and rhetoric. If veterans aren't aware of the things he said about them and war in general, I could see how his idealistic promises outlined in his 'first 100 day's ' speech could be alluring. However when taken in context with both his personal views and temperament, they should not be so naive in my opinion.
  8. Left wing can also imply liberalism. However both trump and Clinton are generally on the right side, along with most of America.
  9. And yes speaking as someone that studies politics in their free time, I understand how a political compass works.
  10. Then you should know that there are different types of liberalism, namely traditional and social liberalism. Of which Donald Trump is the former

    PS: left wing only "implies" liberalism (either economic or social) when it's present in an enviroment which is completely opposite to it.
    Eg: advocating a laissez-faire policy in a communist country is left wing, whereas doing the same thing in the US would be considered conservative/right wing. All depends on perspective
  11. By the way, this was so lackluster, no offence. Doing something in your free time isn't really a be-all end-all explanation for any one thing. I can say that I like to compose in my spare time, doesn't mean I would be eligible to either conduct nor compose for a serious musical group/band.
  12. Fair enough. I also compose lol. But generally politics is one of the few things I've really really enjoyed studying, so I spend a fair amount of time on it
  13. Fair enough on previous post as well. You seem like on of the few people in this game that understands politics
  14. Likewise, to be honest, I just like to rile people up :)
    Not even American
  15. McMullin or Johnson
  16. Lol, Johnson is an absolute nutter.

    When asked about global warming:

  17. Not understanding the "Johnson is a nut" argument when presented with both Trump and Clinton.
  18. Oh no game over folks.
  19. So if I'm comparing two walnuts and one peanut, the peanut isn't a nut because the walnuts are nuttier?
  20. He's not a nut when presented with those two though. He's a valid and sane choice.