Does Anyone remember Murphs

Discussion in 'Wars' started by __PERSEPOLIS__, Oct 19, 2016.

  1. Does anyone remember Murphs and Patman1973 who were destroyed by Persepolis? Any oldschool?
  2. This is a simple question which can be asked on WC and be a WC conversation. Please keep these type of threads off forums. And while your at it, please stop necro bumping old threads.

  3. Support to the necrobumping part.
  4. Whilst I thank op for keeping me busy with my morning coffee cleaning their mess on AT, I will let this thread stay open for any nostalgic remembering on the topic of Murphs etc ️️
  5. I remember Murphs. Didn't they get destroyed by AAH? I just remember back in the 2011/2012 timeframe doing ebs with Murphs and then getting in a tussle with AAH.

    I remember at tbe time thinking how easy it was attacking a clan that had no attack/defense stats. I moved on when that got boring.
  6. That forum dude that moose hated . Really hated, joined the murphs. They were the only people that would take him.

    Then pers smashed the murphs, not because of the forum guy moose hated though.
  7. Flint? His name was flint or something like that.
  8. I remember the murphies or Murphs they were strong at one point. Long ago
  9. Murphs were a decent p/war clan
    Had some laughs there when KaW was a more sociable place
  10. What pwar clan was led by a guy called Mart? Forget his full user, but that's what people called him
  11. "Hey martz. Have another drink"

    "That cat has been comin' in here for 2 years"
    "It's got more right to be here than you"
  12. Too funny SkinnyM.
    Yes, Murph's all the Way was one of a few family clans with Murph name.
    If memory recalls, even Spoonlord was a mbr there for awhile.
    And Patman stills plays, and has many LB accts.
    They had a very big presence back in 2011-2012
  13. I remember them.
  14. Was one of the best Pwar clans and always had good size osf's no matter the time of day.
  15. Anyone?
  16. Patman is bc though? n like got 10 accs over 200mcs.
  17. I remember Murphs funny how the guy who remembers destroying a one billion start player is only twenty million stats. Can you hit his allies?
  18. I had an OAF ages ago and guested with Pat, gracious host, and I remember mid pwar we changed over to a temp OSF so he could shift gold. He had about 3b to 5b out when some non CA reading fool in the other clan unloaded on him a time or two.

    Man-o-man was there fireworks.

    Dedicated to those who remember when getting a million from a hire actually helped!
  19. Patman looks rather alive and well in hte clan imo. Well done