ZTA & HTE PAYOUT - Strange

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by s0meb0dy, Oct 31, 2016.

  1. Hi all,
    6 hours ago while I was on 300% crux,i realised that plunder for the above 2 mentioned is a bit weird...


    I make 3.1b plus first hit on eb usually... Now 2.933b first hit... So strange... 101 actions for 109b payout? Srsly?! ZTA total plunder 1.4T? How is that possible?
  2. Re: ZTA

    Support; developers please look into this.
  3. Crazy to make that much on eb and still complaints. Ahh this game never changes.
  4. Re: ZTA

    Noob your 15% HTE bonus spell expired
  5. Re: ZTA

    Yeah it was replaced by a 11% br and a lvl up on my estoc edge, I guess that offsets it
  6. They will never reply/fix this. Cause it would cause a massive (adjective of your choice) storm. They simply wouldn't be able to compensate everyone who ran a HTE/ZTA this weekend.
  7. But the amount of HTEs and ZTA done by everyone is too huge a number to be ignored, surely they have to do something to please the whole community that participated in any eb and was affected!
  8. Not sure what the issue is here...
  9. BTW I double checked, that Hippiedadjohn guy is like 20mcs so if he max xtalled, then that could attribute for the low total payout.
  10. But any explanations for my plunder and spy-rod's plunder? I had 300% crux going when I did this zta and I get 3b per hit so how is it possible to get 1b per action?
  11. Can you specific how many hours ago this eb was completed, cause I can't seem to find it in your clan history

  12. It was completed in mighty avenger's
  13. Re: ZTA

    This is going to be a surprise.

    Spy unloads don't pay as well as troop unloads.
  14. Re: ZTA

    That's not actually correct though :S
  15. Re: ZTA

    Haha, what a noob.
  16. Re: ZTA

    You get your ee and br bonus once. Crux give bonus on actual plunder not the bonus spells you have
  17. Re: ZTA

    How is that relevant?
  18. Which level did you increase to on your EE?