Introduction A lot you probably don't know me and/or don't care, because I've never been that significant of the KaW community. I'd like to change that, but just by being more significant, but by being beneficial. However, I don't think that will be possible for me. So instead of that, I'd like to suggest an idea to help change KaW, particularly the Forums. So with that, I'll launch into my discussion. Lackluster Forums If you're like me, you've definitely seen a decline in the KaW community as a whole, but particularly forums. Forums have always been one of my favorite parts of KaW, and even though I make a lot of really low effort threads, I personally find them amusing, and people generally seem amused. So I don't think I contribute negatively to the community. I've always been a bit of a loser, in KaW and in real life, but forums are something that are a lot of fun for me and many others. Unfortunately, threads seem to be dying out faster and faster these days, and really aren't that fun. I think this needs to be changed, because forums are definitely factor of how much some people like this game. At one point, I only came on for forums. I didn't attack a single player or EB for months while still maintaining activity through forums. I'm not saying that's necessary what people should do, I'm only using it as an example for why forums are important. An Idea Here's my idea: This thread should be devoted solely to ideas for improving KaW. I'd like to hear any KaW related talk (along with feedback on how I could improve my threads ), and I really would appreciate if everyone kept it civil. A good discussion, with feedback on everyone's ideas and responses, some constructive criticism, but nothing rude and harsh. No need for personal attacks, or any attacks for that matter. Talk away, and feel free to ask questions and state your opinions in a civil manner. Enjoy, and look forward to more (hopefully better than my old) threads!
If only there was a section of the forums entirely dedicated to ideas and feature requests. If something like that existed, then this thread wouldn't be needed at all.
Less effort required when there's a thread for it. I originally meant for this to be just a general discussion thread, but figured this could potentially be more beneficial.
No Support.... First off if you didn't actively participate in the actual game for months then you don't understand it and therefore shouldn't be opinionated on topics.... Secondly there are plenty of social venues available that have nothing to do with war games where people come together and express all kinds of different views.... Play the game for the game.... Social comes second...
If I could read this without my eyes bleeding that'd be great. Edit: worst mistakes were taking away OPs right to kick people off thread, taking away the *** because we all loved seeing the *** in place of dirty words instead of random extra spaces, and this new forum format that's dark and gloomy. I preferred the brighter forum format. A big thing is we've lost a lot of people who made forums great and fun or we are losing them slowly at least. New players just don't seem to care about forums or putting in some decent posts other than bumping random crap and saying "lol" to every post.
Ok given the feedback and my lack of personal motivation, don't expect another thread anytime soon. Subject to change but probably not
First off Make a second server PVP only but increase plunder from hitting others and keep EB's out actually that's all