I've been sending feedback on and off about this for years. Tired of looking at Epic Battle history and seeing players who had 64 successful actions in a 9 plus hour epic? Me too. I would like to be able to tell if a player had 64 successful actions because they joined epic last minute or joined at start and went inactive. Something like "John Doe joined epic at 11:03:55 and has 76 successful actions. That way players who hit epic once to only be engaged can get booted if need be. Players "In Epic Battle" don't get booted but come to find out they didn't even contribute to the success of epic. I would want to be be able to tell if a player that joined minutes ago already put in more work than one who joined at start. When epics need help, clan owners should be able to boot a player who is dormant in epic for one trying to join clan and willing to crystal. Can't tell who is inactive or not if all we can see is "Player is in Epic Battle". If I can see "John Doe joined 8 hours ago or has been in epic for 8 hours with 12 successful actions then one could boot that player to allow another to join in who would be of more use. Exp: "John Doe in Epic Battle 8:34:46 with 344 successful actions" "John Doe in Epic Battle 8:34:46 with 9 successful actions" That info would help many of us with completions of epics. Thoughts?
Thoughts? If a player did 64 actions at 00:01 of the EB, is it any different to a player doing 64 actions at 11:59 of the EB?
Based on your statement I don't think it should make any difference, unless you want to include when the player joined the clan. One player can do 64 actions at start of eb and go inactive for the rest, while another player joins the clan when the eb is about to end and do 64 actions. I'm not sure if that can make a difference, but exclude that out and both will be the same effort regardless!
I believe what op is saying is that there are people who will hit just a few times and just go offline because they know they won't get kicked where people can't tell if they have hit again or not.
There's no difference in damage to epic but player in beginning of epic wasted a spot and should have been kicked for someone willing to put in more work. I can join at end and Max crystal helping both the epic and myself in plunder and drop. Replace player that joined at beginning with me at end if I crystal and it's a win win
Oh yea!Lotl close to fail and 600m cs at door? Boot player in epic for 5 plus hours with 40 or less actions and let dude at the door in. All day!
Yep, how many times a big eb goes down to the wire - you're stuck looking at the clan roster...should you kick an engaged player ? How engaged are they ? Never know til its OVER ... bad time to find out. Actually had someone say, Kick the player in slot 100 - he's too small to be successfully hitting...turned out when the dust settled; he finished 65th in the eb. Now that may not be impressive to anyone else, but compared to 2 peeps that had less an a full unload in 11+ hours...I'd appreciate the extra info to make an informed choice.
Action counter on each player so they could see how many actions they have, and so could warlord, and warchiefs. Not everyone should know but yes warchiefs have usually earned there position and should be able to see activity. So they can make the correct calls for the benefit of active members.
Seems that loyalty has gone out the window! So I unload at the start of an eb, then my cat/dog/wife gets run over and am a bit tied up at the vets/hospital and I come back to hit again an find I have had a kick!!! Glad my clan understand real life is more important than finishing an eb!!!
When it's the choice between 40-50 people losing $8 each from fully crystaling and a few hundred billion/few trillion in game each person, and making one or two players lose the gold they earned through 8-20 actions, which do you think is the fairest choice? No one's saying they don't care about your life. But they do care about the good of the clan more than the 2 billion you lose from being kicked. Just re-apply.
Becomes more than a game to these sad people who spend a lot of money and the majority of their life on it :lol:
This is why we need a weekly clan specific activity counter, viewable by people in a clan. It would easily separate out those who barely hit versus those who are committed. Would support clan loyalty, you don't have to worry about hitting in first 30 mins to appear active, and it's a longer term view.
You can look in battle log during long ebs to find out when ppl joined. If your clan is so concerned with activity then the admin should be doing their jobs and do regular activity checks and title members accordingly. A well run clan should know the activity of its members.
Support for angryfred...a clan sets a min hit target per week..some can't spend all day here..to keep coming back and finding yourself kicked would become tiresome
Support to OP. People should stop whining about getting kicked when they sleep or because something happened in rl. It takes very little time and effort to apply back to your home clan. The game shouldn't stop because you logged off. Weekly activity checks take forever, and do not matter in the case of an EB in need of saving. Real time eb activity feed would be more convenient for (higher ranked) admins, especially to detect parasitic clan hoppers or slacking clanmates. Eiwa (in epic battle: 254/26) could be the format if failed actions were to show as well.
So, we are in the middle of a longggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg eb, I have xtaled maybe 6 times an hit it hard, then rl takes over and have to do something else, don't hit for the last half I can expect a kick! Guys get real..clans would die quicker than they are now through low activity, why would I even join a long epic if I knew that half way I had to do something in real life! Don't think a live activity feed is required