2017 KaW roadmap??? devs/community

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Z3R0_THE_MAGIC_MaCHiNE, Oct 27, 2016.

  1. Lmao. Awesome roadmap Tiger and scarily accurate I think.
  2. Ado, I'd like the devs to allow us to pass on additional event items not used to our clan mates.

    I know this could be exploited, so the devs would have to make a rule that prohibits passed event items from getting you anything other than the 15k reward level.

    I think this would foster more clan unity and help smaller players continue to grow.
  3. They "can", but it wouldn't stop the community becoming angry for no reason. Few people are smart enough that it's the developers intentions that matter, not the fools opinion.
  4. instead of a road map - a broad strategic outlook for kaw would do.....
  5. Black Friday is in November \_(ツ)_/¯