New OFFHAND equip: seriously?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IISPllO0lIKYllGUIlNllISHiPlI, Oct 25, 2016.

  1. 142m (only level 8) DEFENSE bfe from an offhand equip slot.. And its a random drop chance for 25 nobs, only 16 chances to get it if you spend 400 nobility..assuming you dont get it til the 16th coffer..

    This is a reason to quit, I hope many are considering it..
  2. Absofruitly
  3. Im not
  4. I guess its not really that bad...since the other coffer rewards exceed the cost of 25 nobs.

    I think its just more frustrating that the new EB costs as much and more than ZTA...and first tier doesnt pay a tenth of it back.. Really the EB is a joke, especially when you dont even need it because every other EB can drop the same things...
  5. I don't consider it a reason to quit :)

    But there is a simple solution to your other problem.
    Just dont do it :)

    Hope that helps ;)

  6. remember when paying didn't give you an insurmountable advantage over others? i do. i was build complete in 3 months, back in 2011. yeah the paying players had a ton of allies, but they weren't so expensive that they couldn't be stripped if enough players worked together.

    insanely powerful eq can't be stripped. the new building levels can't be stripped. build complete sure as hell isnt achievable for free anymore.

    **** you ata.