The Sleeper of Elrengoth Forest

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Oct 24, 2016.

  1. These ebs seem really expensive...
  2. I object to being called sapient.
  3. If you drop $500 dollars in the devs pockets for each player in Eb it auto completes!
  4. How do we open the sun chest
  5. Will this be a multipart event so we can max the equip or nah?
  6. Ee needs to drop fullmoon dew as well
  7. Nobody gonna do ee if it doesn't drop fullmoon dew
  8. Oh, ATA, your greed is astounding! It's bad enough you want players to pay to play an eb, but to also force payment to open a reward chest? And for what, equipment that'll be replace literally next event? Makes me want to puke
  9. This, right here, sums it up for many of the Kawmunity

  10. This event is for bigs only zzzz
  11. I'll just stick to playing for free, and only use nobs from quests. >> I don't respect the game design enough anymore to pay. It's been 2+ years since last purchase, and a new glossy eb isn't changing that.
  12. I don't get what you mean by a clan based event??
  13. The last eb we knocked out dropped 2-3 Fullmoon Dew per participant...ummm...that's pretty damn low and will never be able to turn the relic into anything.
  14. So ppl ask for a new premium eb and the Devs deliver. Within an hour everyone is crying and complaining.
    You can hit your normal event eb rotation to get rewards, or choose to pay as a clan for the premium eb, yet within an hour everybody is crying and complaining.
    I honestly wonder the Devs bother with doing anything in the way of new content or features, they are damned if they do and damned if they don't
  16. I honestly can't tell if he's using sarcasm or is being a jackass with the dev support.
  17. So lame, miss future combat. Will take this event crap and.....
  18. Thank you guys for doing a somewhat different event makes me feel better and more interested
  19. :lol: