A Zombie/Survival disscusion with Zeth

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Zethryr, Jan 9, 2015.

  1. Nooooooo!!! not Daryl!!
    He was my favorite! :(

    Why you not say "Spoiler alert"!
    Now im a sad Hatter :(
  2. There is literally know virus or disease on this planet that would create the affects that mimic a zombie.

    Any viral agent that could do the damage such a "zombie" virus would need to do would kill the host and all their cells.

    As such my survival plan is ignore all zombie threats.

    Unless it's a magical zombie curse in which case as I have no magic ( because it's not real, I'm sorry it's not. I wish it was, but just ask penn and teller ) so again my plan would be to ignore it.

    Or turn the lights off the Surround sound up and eat popcorn. ( ok haribos as I actually hate popcorn ).
  3. I need to make a copy/paste reply to comments of this sort.

    I understand this. This is simply for fun. You aren't schooling anybody here. Everybody understands that zombies aren't real.
  4. "Im finally retireing" - zethor

    24 ours later

    "Im back ive work to do here - zethor
  5. It sounds like you're obsessed.

    I mean I know I have a magnetic personality, but this is getting a little out of hand pars. Calm down now.
  6. Its not really to farfetched. The world health organization has a response plan for a zombie apocalypse. Maybe not the typical "zombie apocalypse" we see on t.v. nevertheless, they do have a response.
  7. @ judgement they are required to respond to petitions in a similar manner to the UK gov and its petitions.

    Start a petition and get enough signatures they have to discuss if the moon is made of green cheese. Ridiculous, but that's democracy for us.

    Zethor yup I know it's for fun. I stated my well conceived plan. Turn up surround sound and eat haribo.
    Let's be honest if the world has gone to hell and an airborne virus is turning us all into zombies you may as well go out smiling.
    Any other suggestions would be against tou. So what you going to do ? 

    Now discuss how the west will sit back and watch Russia carpet bomb Syria for good TV and to demonstrate the wests impotence and that could be more amusing as to people's thinking or soft invasions.
  8. Hmmm.

    Starts it depends on types of Zeds, Walkers, Zombies, Zs or Infected.

    For shufflers/Walkers. There generally slow and can only be put down via damage to the brain.

    Main danger is through swarming. (Try playing A Zombie Sim with limited ammo)

    Most of the time one would be able to out maneuever a zed really easy. So in that scenario. Id probably be running around on roof tops setting up caches and planting traps.

    Most likely trying to avoid contact with anyone other then my team as well as zeds.

    Guns are nice and so are bows. Both however are ineffective if you dont have training and an arrow is an itch to pull out of a hard target.

    My approach to weaponry would mostly lean towards blunt based objects or very sharp long pin point weapon like a spear I could jab into an eye.

    For projectile standard issue Glock would do Most cops around here use 9mm ammunition.

    For long term.

    I'd try to establish a temp base of operations. Something that my team and I can burn if were compromised and have exfil. The BO/Safe house Owould be our strategic headquarters as we situate ourselves and gather supplies as well as try and cordinate survivors.

    I could go into further logistics but the main point would be rallying the peoplr in defense and eliminating the Walker threat. If its spreads through bite alone. Elimanite the source vectors by exterminating all Zeds.

  9. Or twinkies.. or Haribos