Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by kawptain_AmeriKaw, Oct 23, 2016.

  1. Hello fellow kaw mongers.

    Instead of being bored now that there is no event to have us tap tap for this and that while the clock ticks, let's see how well acquainted you know not only the game but the community as well, that after all these years you have grown to love and hate.

    1. What was the 1st ever non-dev created clan?

    2.Which user has been the longest standing strongest kingdom?

    3. Which is the oldest active non-dev kingdom?

    4. Which EB is generally considered the favorite in terms of originality and playability?

    5. Most hated kingdom?

    6. Most feared Clan?

    7. Most respected War Commander?

    8. Most valuable equipment to own?

    9. Most debated improvement done to the game by devs?

    10. Most requested feature never implemented by devs

    Have fun folks. Let's see how well you know your favorite game!!!
  2. No event is killing EE :/
  3. 1. ZAFT - is a guess

    2. Redstar - another guess

    3. No idea

    4. Haunting - another guess

    5. Myself

    6. I don't think there is a specific clan but the kotfe alliance and their sub clans seem pretty intimidating to me.

    7. Obviously myself, jk I think Sylv used to be the best and now I think it's Charmine from existence.

    8. The old EE season equip I think.

    9. Idk

    10. Idk
  4. IG and Foxes were made simultaneously.

    Probably Majesty

    I think v3n0m drops in from time to time


    Depends on the time. Could range from Swabia to Loada to HeyWTF. I think Teja could be up there.

    ZAFT at its peak.

    Probably Loada.

    Not sure


    Spy quests
  5. Zzz 7 he said respected not the best there is a big difference
  6. I'd like to know which is most valuable equip. For long I thought it had to do with mith
  7. 8: Level 10 greaves from TBO.
  8. #5 moctezuma. You guys can't even imagine the drama that went down.

    Aside, most of these are opinion/subjective (define "active" or "best" for instance) or depend on gameplay :/ don't ask trivia if there isn't a real answer
  9. 1. iG and Foxes (beta tested war system and both clans have a 120 member cap as a reward).

    2. ?

    3. if kingdomofwolves or hemoglobin are still active then them, otherwise it'd be me

    4. haunting

    5. [ata]Grant

    6. none

    7. ?

    8. ?

    9. ?

    10. second server
  10. I made four threads or something stupid wanting that second server -_-

    Guessing since people were 30mcs back then and now ppl are 1bcs it's not gonna happen ^_^