hte optional bar needs to return

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by IX_THoR_XI, Oct 22, 2016.

  1. In past hte promos - devs have brought back the optional bar after it was requested by kawmunnity

    Why Do we need to request this feature every time devs do an hte promo?

    Please bring back the optional bar
  2. We wouldn't need the optional bar if developers just gave us infinite seals. So selfish.
  3. Since they made BC stats as rediculous as they are now, pretty sure the additional bar should be perm feature by now. But I'm just a customer, what do I know? 
  4. What is this optional bar
  5. Yes  with 10 people killed hte's in 2 mins got 29 Xtals in wooo
  6. Just so you whales can get bigger, no thanks
  7. What is optional bar?
  8. calm down 
  9. calm down 
  10. Would be nice to hear from ata on this subject
  11. Ikr

    This is not a unusual request - citing history devs have brought back optional bar in all previous hte promo
  12. There will be no answer because there is no polite way to say they're greedy and they don't care about their customers
  13. Talks about greed but is asking for an optional bar for an EB that was only supposed to be for a limited time 
  14. Pretty sure it's not always about growth, but getting value for money dumbass
  15. Then spend your money on ZTA.
    Or limit how many people you have in your clan for HTE :) .
  16. Did you engage your brain before you typed?