
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Zethryr, Oct 22, 2016.

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  1. Redacted.

    I have work to do here.
  2. Re: Goodbye

    Take care
  3. Re: Goodbye

    Ok see you next week

  4. Re: Goodbye

  5. Re: Goodbye

    seriously i was expecting another interview or something. not a goodbye post.
  6. Re: Goodbye

  7. Re: Goodbye

    you realise developers are staff of A Thinking Ape?
  8. Re: Goodbye

    I'm sure parsfan should have shown up on this thread by now
  9. Re: Goodbye

    Nooooooooooo zethyyyyy nooooooo
  10. Re: Goodbye

    I'm in the process of composing a farewell opera.
  11. Re: Goodbye

    a farewell ditty

    how many quit recently?

    time for a swan song
  12. Re: Goodbye

    Wishing you much happyness & best wishes Zeth.Take care
  13. Re: Goodbye

  14. Re: Goodbye

    Didnt drop build......posted with alt.....and currently in world chat....didnt even get a chance to say see u next week as i can see u already in wc....hope you enjoyed your 4 hour retirement.....welcome back
  15. Re: Goodbye


    K. I stated I'd lurk for a while. I never said I wouldn't return, thus dropping my build is irrelevant.
  16. Re: Goodbye

    Lolz why do people keep saying the game is dying? None of you are leaving. You always come back, but just in case you do leave all I gotta say is "see ya tomorrow bud".
  17. Re: Goodbye

    Ahhhh...i get it now zethor....."your still gonna lurk"....and "u might return"....sooooooo....this is an attention seeking thread.

    Please lock this fake retirement garbage.

    Mods how can u justify this thread not being locked when op isnt retiring....if every muppet who could type wrote a thread when they were taking a week off but were still gonna lurk we would have a worse forum than we have now.

    This is attention seeking spam.
  18. Re: Goodbye

    Dear pars.

    It is with heavy regret that I ask you to 'shut your mouth, you're just making a fool put of yourself'.
    I hope you can understand.

    Sincerely, Zeth.

    P.S. It's bait.
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