Symbols of MURICA!!!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by x_x, Oct 21, 2016.

  1. The symbol of fascism is a bundle of sticks tied or strapped together often but not always shown with an axehead symbolic of "supreme authority", the Romans first coined the word and it's symbolic of the people (and countries) bound together under a common centralized dictatorship, the axe.

    When we clock in at work we are entering a dictatorship and before world war 2 the Italians associated fascism with corporatism, that's when government becomes a corporation and all it's "citizens" are employees.

    Let's see what wiki says:

    Fascio is an Italian word literally meaning "a bundle" or "a sheaf", and figuratively league, and which was used in the late 19th century to refer to political groups of many different orientations. A number of nationalist fasci later evolved into the 20th century Fasci movement, which became known as fascism ...

    By extension, the word fascio came in modern Italian political usage to mean group, union, band or league. It was first used in this sense in the 1870s by groups of revolutionary democrats in Sicily, to describe themselves. The most famous of these groups was the Fasci Siciliani during 1891–94...

    Can you spot the symbol of fascism anywhere?




    San Diego County





    The national guard


    George Washington

    It seems like this symbol is all over the place when we are aware of what evidence to look for, and it's always associated with the government,

    by it's nature a corporation has very small, and specific personal jurisdiction, it's limited to employees only, and to customers in the scope of the right to refuse service or contract

    Government is big business, Obama gets to force his "citizens" or employees to buy insurance from him,

    soldiers fight and die to secure private oil and infrastructure rebuilding contracts, government services are "privatized" that cement permanent contracts for generations to chosen families,

    lobbyists buy the votes of the house and senate, effectively cutting the people out of "representation"

    Well you might be thinking it's not fascism when "we" do it, and after all these are only symbols, where is the real evidence?

    We will have to look back in history to the Civil War and find out when and where Washington DC was reorganized as a municipal corporation
    The act of 1871:
    the “District of Columbia Organization Act” or the “Charter Act of the District of Columbia” and recognized it as the incorporation of the “municipality” known as the “District of Columbia”.

    Congress wrote:
    That all that part of the territory of the United States included within the limits of the District of Columbia be, and the same is hereby, created into a government by the name of the District of Columbia, by which name it is hereby constituted a body corporate for municipal purposes … and exercise all other powers of a municipal corporation.

    It seems like congress tried merging the government with a corporation and even named it the "District of Colombia" so no one is confused, :)

    but it's limitations are ten square miles (or 7 if you want to get technical) of the district of Columbia and even further limitation to employees only

    Because for example, just being in the parking lot of Walmart does not mean the employee code book applies, it only applies to employees that are subject to the jurisdiction of Walmart

    Now you may be thinking, what about the states?

    That will have to be another thread entirely, but I can tell you all the states are also corporations organized under the "laws" of the corporation, and they are called "State of" and "state" means district of Columbia,

    so for example when one says State of California, instead of California

    What's really being said is the District of Columbia of California, and it goes further to incorporate ever city, and even the people become persons (corporations) and I will show you in future threads or you can look for yourself
  2. I feel like a slave.

    We will see things in a diffent light one day. Today we are just here
  3. Slavery is abolished world wide but voluntary servitude is legal, no one can force you to work your whole life for no pay, you can quit any time
  4. Wait.. I thought the Illuminati are the symbols of 'Murica..

    *The Battle Hymn of the Republic plays
  5. You are talking about illumicorp, it's just another corporation, all fascists are motivated to world domination, but at the end of the day it's still just another corporation which needs your consent to their offer, everything is an offer to contract
  6. Support, all factual, all recorded in the documentation of history.
  7. I am trump and I support this message.
  8. Haha, I actually liked this one.

    Maybe you guys should have stayed a colony? 
  9. Just because someone feels something it doesn't mean that we have to go to the extreme. Slavery has a broad spectrum and yes some still today like getting whipped and chained up.
  10. All countries are set up this same way, you can find the UK on Dunn & Bradstreet, Australia is a Delaware corporation, you will find every country on Dunn & Bradstreet, and since people have started to expose it, they have made it more difficult to search, because having that Dunns number out in public has come back to bite them, every state, government agency, and government has one
  11. Meh. I'm more of a National Socialist fan.
  12. How do you define slavery? If you are increasingly dependant on something you could be a slave to that, looking at how our economic system is set up, gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, debt is the money of slaves, federal reserve notes have no value, you can't melt them down and get anything of value is just paper

    A note is a promise to pay money, the note has no value it's just paper, but the promise does have value and can be transferred,

    One man's debt is another man's asset, federal reserve notes are government debts, but because they are not redeemable they aren't even promises, making them worthless securities and securities fraud

    But we keep accepting them

    I can make a whole thread on this topic alone and maybe I should but I'm not trying to get myself killed

  13. The fascia has been a symbol of power through unity for long time, since, as mentioned, Roman times at least. Even then, Rome was a democracy (you'll notice a number of the fascias do not have axes, indicating the power of the people not including the axe power of the government). Early America adopted this symbol wholeheartedly as it was appropriate for a union of thirteen colonies into states and a country.

    It was not until the 1930's that fascism made its rise as the system we all recognize now. That's several hundred years of the fascias being used as a benign and positive symbol, before its perversion.

    Viewed through actual history rather than through a retconned paranoid fantasy, the appearance of fascia around the United States is comforting. Washington and Lincoln lean on and rely on the power of the people, and the halls of Congress itself proudly displays the bundle of sticks to remind everyone the power of the country is based in unity.
  14. Immature as I am, prefer to recognize the official name for a bundle of sticks.
  15. You are correct, without the axe blade it is a symbol of strength and unity of the people, because with the axe part is the symbol of the dictator

    And I smiled when you mentioned the 1930's because now we can talk about FDR and the new deal, FDR was inspired by the economic policies of Mussolini, and even made some comments about it,

    In fact FDR was walking around with one of Mussolini prized books, and was handing it out to people, and even some particular Germans were proud of the new deal,

    Coincidently the Germans were having an election the day after the new deal on March 5th

    But this is not my point, what I was wanting to point out specifically is the act of 1871, when congress unconstitutionally made a new and separate form government for the third time, 1801 they did the same thing with a charter

    We are guaranteed a republic form of government where each individual has more power than the whole government combined, each individual is a king without subjects only public servants

    Each state must be a republic or else it can't become a state, and no state can be created within the border of an existing state, which is what they've done with the "States of" which has a Dunns number from Dunn & Bradstreet

    Each of us born or naturalized in this land have the same prerogative as the king of England, and we pledge our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor to our country

    Ben Franklin when asked what form of government they create said and I quote - "we have a republic if we can keep it" and the pledge is allegiance is a pledge to flag and the "republic for which it stands"

    When someone wants to go from a republic to communism the step between is democracy, democracy is a form of communism, because peoples unalienable rights can be taken away by the majority

    My rights end where yours begin is the foundation of a republic, if you read some of my other threads you will find one been leading up to this and I'm not finished I have two more threads ready to go because it's all in the record

    Our country is being stolen right under our noses and we are letting it happen because we don't care to look at the records and we trust unconditionally the people who serve us

    The education system and the media are at the front lines of this quiet war, but they are not on the side of the people

    Our 9/11 was the Germans Reichstag on February 27th 1933, and the exact same legislation followed in both instances, history is repeating and no one cares about history it's history

    I can prove that our country is at war in 5 minutes, but I'm saving that for another thread, I need to build up to it with this foundational information

    (emphasis added)

    The Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act
  16. Awesome read!! I have one of those dimes.
  17. So much tin foil hat...
  18. Mussolini definition resembles that of corporatism, the economic system used by both the U.S. And most fascist government, however the U.S. Isn't really fascist, just dangerously close