Show your support for Halloween Comp.

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by TE_xOfficerDash, Oct 21, 2016.

  1. Kingdoms at War Halloween Art Contest

    Hello Forums!

    Dash here, today I wanted to seek the communities support in trying to persuade the Devs to bring back the KaW Halloween Art Contest!
    Now as the old timers (okay maybe not so old, just go back 3 years) may know, in 2013 the Developers held an art contest for Halloween and the art had to be KaW related! I think they should bring it back this year with even bigger and better prizes!

    I’m not sure what the prizes should consist of for 1st/2nd/3rd, (any ides below would be welcomed) but let’s spread the support and word and hopefully they could bring it back!

    Who’s with me? Show your support below!

    *Please not I DO NOT claim to be the creator of either one of these art pieces. The first is from a previous event held in KaW and the 2nd is the amazing person that goes by the name of RueHara on another thread outside of KaW who submitted that piece back in 2013!

  2. Art contest? Been a while since I seen one of those, count me in.

    Are you sure the first pic isn't from the Halloween event last year? I'd like to see that one come back for a chapter 2.

  3. so like...i'm not very good at art.
  4. I can't keep up with all the Arts for the events aha! So I just went with saying "A previous event" it could very much be from that event last year! .. Good eye! :lol:
  5. Indeed it is, Curse of the Cordimancer or something like that, fun event loved the mask/curse mech in the pvp path.
  6. Definitely support this!
  7. Support ;) give me a few days to whip something up art wise at least :)

  8. Im gunna need more than a few days now... I opened up my photoshop too see my PC automatically had updated to latest version...... I was keeping mine on CS5 because I knew CS5 like the back of my hand.. sigh
  9. Support!

    I can't draw or do anything creative really, but I always liked the art contests.
  10. Support!

    Very talented artist players on KaW..

    ...and then there are photoshop poseurs like me..

    Game on!
  11. If the devs don't support it and don't bring it back then I may just hold a mini-competition with 3 selected Judges but unfortunately no rewards unless the devs are generous enough to supply rewards for me - But stay tuned, will keep you updated :-D
  12. I understand that I only use cs6 I won't go beyond that but I'm planning on using cinema 4D on this one :)
  13. if drgn say yes, suptis say yes #DrgnHottestBestestWoman
  14. Ahh yes! My 2nd love in the world of graphic designing aha! Goodluck Titan :-D
  15. Bump :) Was getting to the bottom of AT.

    Would love as much support as can get!
  17. Not artistic, but I like looking at other people's art. Support!
  18. I love studying art! Can't draw, but still support!
  19. Support to this, great idea :)