I'm getting a little tired of mods locking question threads after someone posts a bare minimum answer. There is the really odd belief that a game's forum is somehow made "cluttered" by people asking questions about the game. :? first off, the forums are dead. a few question threads isn't going to push "important" things out of at. this isn't the glory days of kaw when page 2 of at contained posts made 5 minutes previous. page 1 contains posts that are a day old. more importantly, frequently player questions are not fully explained before being locked. the mods consider a question answered after barely more than a "yes/no" reply, even when the topic being asked about is more complex than the "answer" implies. locking also means that the op cannot make a follow up question without making yet another thread. i would be fine with it if the mods would put a link to the questions thread and directed the player to place further questions there. it isn't hard. this is how easy that is: Ask Questions Here but they don't. because who cares about people that don't know all the ins and outs of this game? they are noobs and don't deserve to take up space on the kaw forums. right? quit disrespecting players that are trying to learn about the game by deciding for them when their question has been answered. it is THEIR question and just because you understood the response doesn't mean that they did. all you lock happy mods are doing is discouraging new players from developing a deeper understanding of the game.
I think we need a better way to tell new forumers that quality threads are important. Maybe a quick pop-up the first time someone enters forums that says: "Quality threads are important; post single line questions to 'Post Questions Here' thread" or something similar.
They should bring back the old forums mod position. Here is a list of who, imo, would definitely fit in moderating forums : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
We all know that other players opinions matters to us yes but if threads are only a few words we lock cause it will cause trouble spam and trolls. when it comes to certain questions we do lock when we feel that threads have been answered the best, and when it comes to other threads about a moderators action or trying to tell them to do their job better to complaining about a lock, its best to go to them directly and speak with them instead of creating threads to attack certain moderators to calling them out cause it's against the RoC/ToU. So my best advice is, if a thread is locked and you wish to post about it, it's best to contact that moderator and discuss it instead on forums. To threads that complained about a silence, locked thread or calling moderators out, THIS is not allowed on kingdoms at war forums or public channels this will come with either a 24 hour forum ban or a in-game silence if posted on our public channels. If you do have concerns bring it up with the developers and they will investigate the issues. Thanks!
Originally moderators only were given lock and delete functionality to stop spam and profane threads, as in troll players that came on and created 50 threads to flood AT or would make their OP full off bypasses/profanity... how things have changed! The ambiguity behind a moderator deeming a post to be low effort is so contradictory and hypocritical i'm not sure how's it's continued to this extent. Moderators are not just kaw police, but they are meant to be drivers of the community. It seems that has evidentially changed for the worse and those with Green have lost the core roots.