How much longer ?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Scumbag, Oct 20, 2016.

  1. This is simply a thread on peoples opinion on how much longer kaw has left, I personally can't see it lasting another 12 months, my reasons are that the game is essentially broken. The game is so undesirable for new players, the devs have continuously failed over the years to address this matter, and instead run copy paste b2b money grab events. And then the "updates" raising the impossible goal of BC even higher and even more unobtainable, resulting in alienating 90% of the population. So I would like to see what other people think about this, and how long you think the cows aka lb will be milked by ata.
  2. doesn't. Matter it's in the past
  3. As long as there are thousands of accounts ( if not players ) willing to spend at a level above the cost to run the game.
    It should last a while yet.

    I would add I hated b2b events at first.
    But the fact is now with stats as they are, the silver bar rewards are essential.
    They need to be improved lower down the tiers.
    The gold gap between large and small is obscene.
    And this is the big issue devs have missed out on improving for ages.

    Every clan uses #### or similar app.
    Every clan has other chat features and messaging features somewhere

    This game as built around the social features as much as the war aspect.
    The growth has destroyed a lot of the war aspect.
    But above all else the devs have not improved upon their best feature.

    The fact that at its core, kaw is a chat app with a game tacked on.

    New supporting social features would be a huge plus and push forward.

    Friend chat as opposed to ally chat or as an add on for example.

    Many ideas have been put forward in the past.
    Picture messaging in private chat
    ( though that could have huge issues )
    Better clan pages hidden from outsiders for clan members only for rules and chat times and schedule.

    Push for social changes and the community will strengthen.
    Push for growth and it drives people away as they are left ever further away.

    So many of us stay or come back for friends. The game is irrelevant, it's purely the social part that matters.
  4. In some cases chatting can be an issue, by improving chatting, it could lead to stalkers or worse. Like anyone on the internet they feel free to express their selves, but that could lead to risks. Fox example this has happened on a game I used to play, that got shut down. Some guy met up with some girl through the game, the girl gave out personal information, like where she lived and phone number, etc. The next day you hear that she had been sexually abused. This would lead back to the game since they met each other through the game. A family member or friends found out and says "Oh yeah they met up through this game called _____" (Not giving name of game out) and explains that to the court. The family sued the developers of the game, and got the game shut down. This is just one bad example on improving chatting.

    Aka what I'm trying to say is be safe, make good decisions, and don't give out personal information. I know you guys probably heard this a lot when you were a kid, or still hear it now. Their are a lot of bad people in this world, and you never know today could be the last.

    (Please don't be offended by this, it's all personal opinion)

    Also I love this game, its very addictive, I can definitely see a future in this game!!

    Have a great day
  5. Got it in one

  6. All internet users need to stay safe and not give out personal info. But that can be done now within the current setup.

    Security needs to be considered and players need to be well informed and sensible.
    Yet many of us know of kaw marriages and other relationships.
    They will happen on any social app. As well the idiots.
    Yea be safe. But it's still the best direction to focus on the collective social aspect to enhance kaw for a longer future that appeals to many more.
  7. I agree but from a different perspective. The games goal is confusing, is it a game of gaining more land or Ally's, yesterday's 10mm CS is today's 1Bln which basically defeats you're growing capability. Maybe that's their point, yet Ally's are infinite so size really doesn't matter?? I think you have to live with it, I think continental coins are helpful
  8. at least 5 years more, hard to tell past that because of changes to mobile phones and related gaming.
  9. Your name fits you, next time post with your main. Ty
  10. In quite honesty, I believe the reason you see nothing is because they are working on something. It takes time to do this, so we are being kept occupied with repeat events until perhaps the new addition(s) are released.

    Just my 2 cents and I'll want a refund on one cent please ;)
  11. This problem was brought up in 2012. You would have to change the mechanics of the entire game to breath life back into the game. That's unlikely to happen when you have so many people financially invested.
  12. Best idea is to improve on the social aspect. It can last quite a while
  13. This game won't close down anytime soon. This game is already dead but it won't close down. There's a difference guys...
  14. Kawers have been sayings kaw is "a year from closing" for three or four years now. Smh. Someone needs to retake calendar class.
  15. Titan you can has my 2 scents (good and gooder)! Ill just take you 2 sense'
  16. They make a bunch of money on this game, it's not going anywhere.
  17. Yes the copy paste events for months and months whatever they are working on better be good or we will continue to decline. I have friends quitting each week. We cannot support the game if the games player base continues to dwindle at a rapid rate. I do hope they are working on something to improve KAW, not just to make their wallets larger.
    I have played this game a long time and It has been mostly enjoyable, would hate to see it go. :cry:
  18. Well a few have quit (big spenders) with this new pay to play eb so there's another nail in coffin
  19. Just go look at all the HTE clans/leader board clans and count the number of ZTA/HTE's being done. Hundreds if not thousands a week thats a ton of cash. Not to mention the new eb Idk why in gods name but some clans are running the T1 version multiple times no offense but after the second attempt or so you would think people would see their wasting their money. 10 bucks for what, like 50b? I could get more gold than that from the nobility shop with 10 bucks 