Petition to end all KaW Petitions

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Benny, Oct 12, 2016.

  1. There we go. Case closed.
  3. Already explained myself you're like half active too I'd give you a 4 year maybe.
  4. Many western governments have a petition system set achieve a set number of signatures and the government has to talk about it. Take a look at the people want to you to sign up to many will be related to things that have already been decide by a democratic vote.

    So for example if trump becomes president there will be a petition to remove him from office the next day. That is why I believe petition are no longer democratic, the basic attitude is if we lose start a petition.
  5. I will start a petition to end all petitioners petitions until they are petitioned
  6. Support
  7. USUAL-michaelbrs-SUSPECTS can you please leave this thread and not continue posting.

    Thank you.
  8. I'm guessing you didn't get the memo.

  9. ahahaha cya pal.

    That's gotta hurt that huge ego.
  10. Petition

    the end
  11. I'm guessing you haven't read the Forum Code of Conduct - or are moderators exhibited from that?