OSW Stories

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -LovelyDenial, Sep 28, 2016.

  1. Ima tell my main ...I mean TBird 
  2. Speak "American" all you want, but I think this thread is getting a SMIDGE off topic. Please stay within the realm of the OP, or please leave.
  3. Again, can't ask to leave
  4. Someone have something to say to CoS? I hear some jibber jabbering going on ....got an issue find the attack button I'll be here waiting on ya
  5. Actually yes she can, if people are flaming or derailing and she has attempted to steer topic back on track, she CAN kick people off her thread for breaking RoC, it's her thread. Now keep on topic or stay off the thread please
  6. You mods need to get your stories straight because according to at least a couple of you that's not ROC

    ...will refer your post in the future to other mods

  7. Hero, please do not spread false information. Spreading false information is against the ToU, I advise that you learn the ToU or you step down from your position.

    Also I have been on topic other than replying to other posts or informing op about the ToU which you seem to have little knowledge on
  8. that just says they can't kick "on their own". he says "get a mod".

    that is a change from how it used to be. doesn't mean a MOD can't kick people from a thread, if the op asks them to and has a valid reason.
  9. The op has no power to ask somebody to leave anymore, that is what I was saying and which has now been confirmed by kez.
  10. ...actually I've gone through the whole thread this was your 1st post. Youve never been on topic and your baiting 

    You havnt talked about OSW at all lol
  11. no power? they can ask whatever they want. the person is just no longer obligated to leave if asked by op.

    the op can; however, as a mod to remove the person. in which case, the person is still obligated to follow the mods instructions on the matter. cuz the mods haz powa
  12. But yeah I agree they aren't supposed to be able to ask you to leave lol but Hero can...

    ...also clown boy when she posted to stay on topic is was in reference to my post lol

    U just pissed Hero for no reason ...but thanks for coming to my defense 
  13. I didn't come to your defence, I came to correct a smartass mod who was spreading false information. You are right, that was my first post but it was in reply to another post which unless the rules on that has changed also, I'm allowed to do.
  14. Having no obligation to leave means she has no power in the matter, and if you read the ss I clearly stated the mod can ask someone to leave if they are derailing but as I'm replying to posts directed at me, it's not against ToU.
  15. Alrighty, so as people may have noticed I haven't been around as much, I was operating on older rules. That was my bad. I would like to ask people however to try and stay on topic so the thread doesn't get locked for flaming/derailment. You know how much you dislike trolls when you make threads or have something you want to say, try giving grace to others the same way.
  16. ...mmmm actually I don't or wouldn't think so. The off topic post has to address you directly for you to address it back (I think) 

  17. BAHAHAHA!! 

    ...clown boi got u 
  18. lol u can still ask people to leave (yer a mod) just not the OP 

  19. Todd doesn't dislike trolls. It's obvious he lets all the old, great ones make love to him. Why? I think it's because he wants to be noticed. As they say, those 15 year old "businessmen" always end up arrested for identity theft.
  20. I like how the mod asked everyone to get back on topic and everyone is still off topic.