OSW Stories

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -LovelyDenial, Sep 28, 2016.

  1. I obviously did because everyone keeps assuming that I just let it die because of an OSW and I was sick of saying "personal reasons" or "rl comes first".
  2. You aren't allowed to ask people to leave your thread anymore
  3. Then trust me, I'll find a way to get them kicked off.
  4. Unless he breaks ToU there's not much you can do, and a mod would lock this thread over asking him to leave because you yourself contributed to the derailing of the thread. You should just ignore him and move on rather than taking the bait from the fail troll that is Jackson.
  5. Dun disrespek mah boi Jackson smh
  6. And if I disrespect him then what?
  7. Not a fail troll. I'm just not a keyboard warrior on a bad mmorpg lel. Anywayy. I meant you coulda just said "I had rl stuff to do"
  8. And If I was actually "trolling" I would've succeeded cuz she writted paragreph adresing my twoll post lel
  9. Love this guy. DirtyLarryV2
  10. Please stop derailing my thread. Contribute to it by adding an OSW story or please leave.
  11. Because you're a coward that doesn't really ever challenge anyone ...I.S.S. took you in cause Cynder figured you'ld be a good pion, was I.S.S. "AND" CoS that stripped you. Took "9" hours after you issued the challenge ...truly pathetic and nothing to brag about you ass clown
  12. Trolling got me stripped so many times I just got used to it. Once I discovered the math of all of it I began using it as a strategy. At one point it was 10,000 steals to clear an opponent (now it's not. You just get a % and never clear them). I honestly had a good chunk of those 10,000 steals done against me when only having been stripped on 5b of allies.

    I was so hated that people spent maybe 5,000 actions on me and I'd even be online during much of it. The total loss would be 2.5b.

    It's crappy that the minimum steal amount and minimum attack loss amount on the defender was removed. I should have been cleaned out in 1000 actions in less than a day all those times. Now you can't clear anyone ever. This is one of the worst numerical 'corrections' to the game and has made war almost useless and PvP totally useless.

    One of my dumbest moves was allowing spies in my clan that added Zaft Destiny to our hit lists and increased the war by 1 more clan. They stomped us good, but I enjoyed the fight. It's too bad inflation and game math have made things so one sided now and it's not like the world wars we once had where a good 70% of the clans were in on the fun and poundings.

    It was always fun to see a whale fall to a dogpile of noobs. I miss those days.
  13. Yea, I've never really understood the new math concept of strips. I've got a math nerd that tells me how many steals will take approximately how much gold out of how much gold the target has out. He puts it in English for me too 
  14. Nobody ever heard of cos and never will. Cyn used them for bars on my strip,like he used u. Then wiped his ass with all of u and tossed out dirty tissue :lol:. Here is a challenge for u, todd. Strip me. Oh wait.. iphone can't :lol: :lol: :lol:
  15. Nobody has ever heard of CoS? Well that's a lie
  16. lol loser you're the one noones ever heard of ..you're claim to fame is being Roni's cheerleader. Seriously lili you're nothing and always have been nothing. ...here let me post some of the SS of Cynder trash talking you 
  17. LOLOL think he didn't???  I'll get other CoS to post there's too 

  18. There is more cos than u? :lol: go ahead. I can't wait.