It's almost over, do you remember couple years ago when United States shut down? No one cared except couple of German tourists who didn't know where smokey the bear went, Then they decided to open back up before people got used to them not being there, Then o'bummer said something "those who would be in power must govern by consent not coercion" - Obama
This idea seems to sumarize your entire argument: Just because you cannot see it doesn't mean it isn't there = it is there. Similarly, as long as noone can prove your dubious sources and leapt-for conclusions as definitively false (using the standard of "just because noone can see it doesn't mean it isn't there), you claim they are definitively true. Nicely done. With a standard like that, you can live in your conspiracy theories without ever having to test them or explore other possibilities
Good come back King calm yes I do believe the world has changed. It's just frightening how money is king and any law can be transcended with it. It's not necessarily a conspiracy and I think xx is accepting that now. We are products of our society and that I think is the prescient argument. Do we go with idealism or realism? Which one will keep our planet alive? Evil will always be present on each side, it's no different to OSW. What needs to be done will be done. It's all about survival not domination. No big fish ever survived forever and desperation will not win any war. Propaganda is just a tool for change but there's no clear propaganda now because there are too many players. It's not one family anymore or a group of family's.
I think that i could clarify what X_X means. Its more that, just because you may judge the very idea of a conspiracy as frivolous as you do a childs imagination, does not dissuade from the fact that they exist. For a child believes in monsters, and they do exist indeed... Hope that helps -Måđ
But still I'm not going to worry myself to death over it. It's an inertia machine you roll with it to a degree or it will take you....
Are you claiming suma theologica, unum sanctum, blacks law dictionary are not sources that can be proven? I provided the links so you can read it for yourself and see whether or not my claims are taken out of context, or Google it Whether it's a conspiracy or not is debatable, but it is no theory, those documents are real, anyone with $25 can buy a used Blacks law dictionary 5th edition online, if you have one you will learn alot about the spells attorneys cast Just look up common words that we are taught mean one thing and you find in legalese they mean something different, and when you look up every word in that definition you find yourself on a journey of discovery Einstein was quoted as saying "condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance" There is some truth in that, no matter how ridiculous you believe my threads are, you need to check it out for yourself, I don't think anyone is gullible to just believe everything any wild eyed crazy guy says, But you have to ask yourself, what law school did my parents go to? What law school did my grandparents go to, no one is taught to speak legalese from birth, everyone just trusts unconditionally that no lawyer or attorney would commit fraud and misrepresent the facts to get someone to do something they would never do if they had full disclosure Everyone thinks their parents wouldn't lie, there is a Santa clause, a tooth fairy, and everyone knows the law but no one has read it We aren't taught in public school what is a contract, how to make a contract, how to know when your in a contract Every contact needs to be drawn up by an attorney, no business operates without attorney, There are anti-trust laws (Title 15 sections 1, 2, and 3) that prevent monopolies, just a couple paragraphs but everyone decides to be incompetent to handle their own life, just take the easy way out pay the lawyers to do their thinking So I put these threads together to challenge people to take a couple minutes and read it, like it or not, look it up yourself and come to your own conclusions, don't allow me or anyone else interpret anything you are reading That's how you can teach yourself, look it up, do your own research before you call me a liar, see if these documents are real first, retrace my steps, get a law dictionary, check the etymology, look into this stuff and make up your own mind, knowledge is powerful stuff
Ok let's put this simply. You are asking to people to rise up and overthrow their government? Or are you doing a trump and running for office putting your money where your mouth is? You are as delusional as trump so I'm just wondering if trump plays kaw now. So what are you doing to change the world? Other than asking others to change and revolt on a mobile game app ?
All you can hope to do is enlighten ppl It's up to them whether it peaks their interest or not. It is a hard concept for some, and to ask someone to see what you see, can be like asking a Wall St executive to see what a painter see's in the Scottish hills. One see's the beauty of nature' colour and shape. The other see's nothing but possible making it into a golf course...not dropping any names...Donald! -_- Anyway, the point being, always educate, but do so as a gentleman. And a gentleman never forces one to believe as he does, rather offering information and suggestion to enlighten or inspire Your enthusiasm is commendable But just remember, you're asking pepole to investigate their government, corporations, world leaders and the world order. steps my good steps -Måđ
It's not about asking people to investigate. It's about saying everyone is dumb because we can't see something. Everyone knows the government and large business are corrupt. Yet without resorting to voting for one of a select few candidates what are you going to do. Armed revolt. Good luck with that. Refuse to educate your children to survive in the world they are born into. Yeah they will love you for that. Protest on the street while the rich laugh at your wasted life. Yup productive. Ok how about run for office. Rise as high in the system yourself whether it's business or government and attempt to change the system from within. You cannot change the world overnight. You cannot change things you are not involved with. Simply. Be the cause for change you want to see. If you aren't willing to act for change. Don't expect others to follow your inept example. And saying that people are blind because they cannot see the failings of the world they live in. That just insults everyone you talk to. Whilst there is a small element to what you say that's admirable in its intent. The way it's presented and supported with a failing to understand relevant attitudes and the reluctance to understand we all know the failings of the world, just totally bury any message worth seeing. If you want people to do something how about stating what you are doing to change the world. Beyond writing a forum on a game app that 99.99999% of the worlds population won't ever see.
If it's so bad move to another country and poke Korea a few more times and watch the nuclear fireworks.
You have to understand, that you guys come on here and get all emotional and call me names, of course I'm going to get defensive I'm not making this stuff up, I'm just showing you what's out there if you look There is ton of people who have been doing the research a lot longer than me, I haven't even got to the good stuff yet and already in the biggest idiot, I don't know what I'm talking about, I need to move out of the country, blow it up, or run for president Do you see what your saying, I know very few people will ever see this, there must be millions of people out there in thousands of groups, figuring out what to do I'm not spear heading this alone, this is not my base of operations, in some little app game off topic forum This is something that has been going on for generations, at least 60 years that I know of, it could well be 100 years, people have been killed for talking, lots of people have been trying different processes, some with great success, others have been less fortunate You need to stand on the shoulders of giants of you want to see the big picture, I may have saved myself decades of research by listening to people and looking at where they got the information That's why I posted stuff here and provided the source, where this can be found, if you don't believe me, look for yourself I didn't find this on my own, that's what I'm saying, the credit goes to the guys who are sacrificing time, energy, even their lives, to find out the truth Once people know what's going on, they can proceed with the proper understanding, instead of just believing hear say and or signing anything and everything just because Jfk gave a speech that might have got him killed, maybe not, but he was trying to tell us something This whole situation is so large, so massive, it's effecting everything we do in every aspect of our lives, it's so subtle no one really notices but it's always there For every one guy whacking at the roots there are a thousand hitting the branches We need to find the roots, then show others Look at Hillary, maybe she is so corrupt, yet she has the full support of a major political party and half of another She can't get any of the people to show up at her rallies, but she is neck and neck in the poles But this is not political in nature, it's commercial, see the branches and the roots, that little nugget probably took 35 years for a guy to figure out then survive long enough to convince a couple people who would listen and then they became a target in the process The government will probably shut down the internet completely because of this, it's to much information, to fast, they would rather keep it all secret
I guess we'll all have to wait for the government to shut down the internet over this. Maybe you should destroy all your personal electronic devices and computers, just to make sure they can't trace you to where you live. I hear there's a place in Yellowstone National Park that is between jurisdictions, and the government wouldn't be able to figure out which agency or State has authority. You could hide there. I'm sure the government is coming for you. Be safe.
See this is the kind of comment I'm talking about, it's hilarious, rude, and has nothing to do with the original post, jumping to conclusions that I'm paranoid because United States is a corporation with no more authority then Walmart, that some how I'm afraid they will come and get me, he can't see what is being said, because he don't know how to read Be don't know that Obama have up control of the internet to the United nations for censorship, they are enforcing the Verona treaty and removing free Press and our free speech, YouTube is all over this with their "hero" campaign to trick people into reporting the truth about the nature of control We are living in a very low security open air prison, and the most enslaved think they are free, if you don't do what your told when your told they construe that a crime has been committed It's obvious for those with eyes to see that something is wrong
But it has everything to do with how you are reeling people they are dumb for not listening to you. If you present yourself as a conspiracy expert and say everyone who doesn't believe what you do is basically an idiot that needs to be enlightened. Guess what. Even if you are spot on correct. No one will care. You insulted everyone in your opening post. You say everyone cannot understand the flaws of the world we live in. The truth. It's a pretty y world. People get by as best they can. We all know the failings of our respective nations. Some of us try to affect change. Some if not most just try their best to look after themselves and their families. So rather than telling us we don't know our rights. That we should be more. Tell us what you are doing to change the world. There are actually quite a few players that push for change in the real world on here. Saying they should believe what you do while standing idly by won't achieve any change. Nor will any forum like this regrettably, no matter the intent it was posted with. Good or bad. What you will get is trolled to heck and laughed at though the second you mock others or tell them what to do.
Just looking back to the original post. I don't believe all judges are Roman Catholic any more. Even in developed and first world countries (if there is such a thing anymore) we have all ready embraced different cultures and religion. Law has ceased to be strictly governed by the doctrines of one religion. The same can be said of Government they do not hold to the bidding of any one religion anymore. Perhaps if the world was one big Italy then the Vatican would hold more sway. I don't believe it's the case anymore I think that diminished in the 1950's pretty much. Plus I think the term being a heretic is well outdated also. Now we are atheists etc. How many people here would call themselves Roman Catholic but never go to church? It is a throwback to our parents (who maybe never went either or hated going) Or to our grandparents who really were either anti religion or completely for it. Ask an old soldier about religion they give the best answer usually. Typically they will tell you its used to starts wars. Lol I'm surprised this thread is going so long
Free will to drink what you want eat what you want is what he means and he's right. I can go wherever I want in my country. How much more free will does anyone need anyway? Ever heard the saying... "give them an inch they will take you a mile" ? And that's exactly it the more freedom people get the more they will go crazy on it then naturally society will break down and it would become full on anarchy. Guess that's exactly what some haters want.