I've had decent luck so far but I'll support the idea of your idea for your sake. Needs tweaking though.
So let me get this straight you don't want to beactive but expect the same rewards as those who are? How about you just put in the same work as everyone else and don't cry
Looking at your size and equipment, I can say pretty easy that our ideas of activity are different. I made 15k most events when I'm lot smaller than you. So I'm lot More active than you. Or just being back old system where we knew that what will be equip from One event. Like off hand equipment for all, boots for all during other. That ways it's equal for all.
I would just like to add some of us have put in the time to grow why not just shut up and grow yourself and stop crying about how your inactive
He's not. He'd like to know what he's working hard for, if he chooses to work hard. Which he had clearly done.
Why are these people still whining about missed set of equipments which would become obsolete in the next 4-6 months? It's not your choice, it's the devs' decision what to give as rewards for activity. Smh, You're to eager to get an equipment that would have little impact on hitting an eb :lol: Vanity fairies.
They're asking for it because they want it. No one said the choice wasn't ultimately the developers. Which is why they're asking for votes in favour of their idea, so they can show the developers their petition and hope they agree to make the change. If you don't like it, **** off.
DTW both troops and spies. Watch your mouth, or I'll take away your "choice" to continue playing with that account. Have a good day.
I got boots and off hand. Will I use the boots? Nope. And I disappointed; especially knowing I won't make 15k next event? Nope. Will I end up with black cat trinket? Yup. Guess what? This is the final chapter of the event and the next event is right around the corner to make all this equipment irrelevant. Mabey.... just maybe OP should quit cuz you won't ever be satisfied with what you get. If you don't like the EQ this time around then just wait a month when all your EQ is out dated.
Respect your point of view, hope you learn to respect others pint of view too. BTW use the boots you got especially if your just Eb fairy. Pinion boot attack is not static. Noobsrules#
A lot of them are just trolls or people who's whole purpose is to annoy other people. Ignore them and they will go away
How much is the difference of the stats from a Volknight Cuirass to a Pantherine Chestplate? Op, at your current cs, you can hire an ally to make up for that stat difference. But really? Why bother having an equipment with those stats if it would be outdated in the next 3-6 months? Btw, I like your attitude more than mr.punch in the face here.
Because it's the best current equipment (realistically) to have. OP never said he would ditch what he's getting now for what comes in the future, he just wants the best that he can get for his time. Time is very precious for most people. If we use the logic "why bother with it when something better will be available in ages months" none of us would have phones, cars, houses, house appliances... That logic makes no sense because everything gets updated. Sometimes within a few weeks of each other.
And because he was busy, does that mean he can't strive to be more active in the future? Wow! :roll: If you want to have the best equipment then stay active. If it's the devs idea to make the equipments random then why should your activity be selective? It doesn't change the fact that equipments can be replaced in the future.
You better sustain the inc because it would make you look pathetic if you stop it when the next event comes and you start hitting ebs :lol:
They technically give you a choice, and here is why. If you pay attention when using your keys (whatever teir) your older sets of equipment get replaced first. I've only tested this once so there may be no proof to it. But try equipping 1-3 (3max) of your oldest event equipment. Use this equipment for the duration of the event. Repeat as necessary . If it doesn't work again I'm stating I've only tried this ONCE WITH A POSITIVE OUTCOME