What I've noticed.

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Toxic, Oct 4, 2016.

  1. I usually get 1 gold and 2-3 regular chests from boxes per event. Never gotten seals or horns from nob box
  2. Usually get 5-9 boxes an event, i don't use nobs to buy keys ever & i get regular cruxes a third of the time i open a box, a gold crux every 6th box or so n the rest are event items except a few days ago i got 2 xtals outta 1.
  3. I've gotten SOD in the past, and a few golden crux here and there. I get the 2000 nob deal all the time. More than the other 2 top tier options.
  4. Usually, I get event items and crux chests but a while ago, on my baby alt, I got 2 xtals. *Maybe* it has to do with your size.