Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by phoenix05, Sep 9, 2016.

  2. That was my fun back then xD
  3. We already have this...
  4. Come on. Show support
  5. We really need this.
  6. 
  7. I feel this isn't needed at all. Don't give peeps the ability to kick if your not sure they can handle it the way you want them to. And always wall the member who you kick. No need to keep track of them... they just need to reapply.
    No support
  8. You just making the stupid thread. Why need to track for it? Inactive will be booted. They will reapply when active time if clan is good to grow. If not all ppl move to next clan in certain time.
    ??? bad thread
  9. Not really a great idea. If you think how many nf we get already. It will just bump Inc and allies hired. I think if one of our admin kick we will be informed in a 3rd party app.
  10. I wish they'd bring back showing silences in world chat.
  11. First time I'm saying this but support ^

    Secondly maybe tweak the idea a little & make a admin/owner room players have requested that shows logs of who was kicked/who kicked them @ what time they were kicked. As well as the standard who started/forfeited the battle. Would clear up cc a little & could offer clarity on kicks.
  12. Thanks folks for showing support. This idea will only shape up into reality if people pressurise the Devs to get this in the game.
  13. No one likes you
  14. Bumpity Bump Bump
  15. Point regarding news feeds is accepted. Maybe provide log sheets of the clannies being kicked as already suggested.
  16. Just don't appoint anyone to admin you don't fully trust. If intentionally mess up,
    Put em in CA and/or strip em, it's still a war app in theory. I can think of many more important coding for devs to input than this.
  17. Response from a similar thread.

    The previous thread was a slightly different request but this still applies.
  18. Warlord and warchiefs getting such a log would be handy however I don't think everyone needs such a log i very much support the idea and I don't say that often

    This log say kicks adds to clan with what admin open door clan page changes ect