These are your paying customers asking for a better product,not even asking for something ridiculous.You already have it programmed what's the BFD? Can you answer why not immediately implement it without sounding greedy?
Yes make optional bar to be permanent bar. Players are so big with new levels we need better paying and long hte too
Support put the bar permanent leave it optional for smalls and let's move on devs ty hope you guys read these things
Complete support. Hte is a complete joke now with big builds. It takes about 15 big builds doing half an unload to kill this eb. When Devs implemented this, max stats were 15 mil cs. Now we are pretty much 100x the stats killing the same eb. Devs need to add more than an extra bar to this or scrap it entirely. Nobody's gonna keep ponying up seals every 10 minutes for half an unload.
I support OP, but we all should know by now. The optional bar means a bit more HTE for everyone, which means ATA might lose out on some seal purchases here and there. Devs don't do anything unless they can profit, why would they do something where they'd lose a little profit?
Still looking for this devs. Make it happen. Your customers are being clear about what they'd like....give it to them and they'll stay as your customers and spend more.
If you're big enough to finish HTE with three or so accounts you need to start moving up the EB chain. HTE isn't for the bigger builds, it's for the small/medium level builds. The large or BC builds have the newly released GoTH and LotL too. Even that one that uses circles. HTE isn't aimed at the end game player base.
Well...other than those in osw....or those who want to grow at the fastest rate possible. But yeah, other than those folks
There's currently the super pig eb, which is much cheaper cost wise, pays the least of the pay for play ebs, and is generally able to be completed by small amounts of players in low stat range in decent speed, or by a small clan in a short time. There's HTe. Able to keep a medium clan of medium players busy for a few hours (medium being anyone who has their ll and hl mostly in order varrying up to anything not yet in the new lands saying lemme get huge) and HTe costs somewhere in the middle of Rotw and the eb with the circles. Then you have the bigger pay to play eb, that you need 100 circles which cost 100 nob. Now I genuinely don't know or care anything about how it functions, but to my knowdgle it is basically a much longer decently paying eb with the potential to make a lot of money, in other words, a bigger HTE. It may technically pay a lower percentage for you then what HTE used to pay you when running all your bonuses, but if you look at the inflation rates and actually calculate them, I'm sure you'll find that just like every other progression in the game, this EB scales with the inflation to provide the giant accounts a better place to spend their money, encouraging them to keep any seals they earn to use when visiting smaller friends or whatnot like most of us have done with horns since they came out, creating a dynamic where as you grow, you must shift what paid object you desire in order to remain most efficient. Now I don't know enough about the ebs to comment for sure, but just from a basic perspective. If the cost of the eb goes up 29-59-100 And the amount of effort for each eb goes up Then I think it's safe to say that if you can finish the middle one with 2 players in just a short time, it's time to move onto the bigger one, and not try to change the older eb. Smaller players and clans can't all handle that, and when it's directed at them, it isn't just greed that's telling the devs no, there needs to be a way for mid level players to catch up to bigger players,hence the mid level eb having what may be a higher value per hit but lower value for time when completed too quickly
The circle one and the new free ones. The free ones aren't amazing but HTE benefited everybody the developers would be better off selling customised bc accounts to anyone willing to pay.
Except ZTA doesn't take longer to be completed... Even if it does, it's only marginally so: e.g. 7m for HTE or 9/10m for ZTA Furthermore ZTA is technically a promo eb which isn't available all the time, even if it almost always comes on weekends these days
At the moment with any decent sized clan, hte is next to worthless. I support the extra bar. If not for that I would normally miss every hte they go so fast. But to add real value to all players especially accounting for the new build sizes. Adding two new permanent bars would be a far better deal and incentive. Zta is far too short but the gold is better but hardly worth it compared to the value that hte offered when it first came out. With the build gap being what it is now, 2 bars would definitely make far more sense in both incentive to purchase and for clans to run it outside of trains. Trains help a limited few. Hte should help the entire clan. So obviously support but with more than just the one extra bar.
Devs are by far one of the cheapest companies i have ever experienced. Why i quit kaw and spending. 4 weeks in now