The origin of the slave

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Kasama, Oct 2, 2016.

  1. The origin of the slave

    Welcome, for today's thread we will be investigating slavery and its effect on KaW and how we perceive it comparatively speaking with KaW and modern society as a whole.

    KaW is indeed a tap-tap game therefore morality can fly out the window, in most cases it does.

    Such as rude and impolite comments said behind a phone screen

    Certain people that shall not be named and so on

    Now we compare this to real life, we of course behave differently.

    I'm not going to elaborate as it is quite self-explanatory.

    Anonymity is a mask that covers us all.

    How am I going to link this with slavery?
    Quite simply...

    I present to you exhibit one.

    What of it?

    Nothing, I'm just making fun of kotfe.

  2. Boring!!!

    NEXT! :)

    Edit: Hey is that Oli Bear!! Oohh man i haven't seen him in ages!!
    Looks slimmer tho.
  3. Im 2 kool 4 virtual gold
  4. OP Sucks

  5. This thread is stupid af has no relevance
  6. Nice box LUL