Hi all, I'm new here so pls hear me out. Currently I am being framed by zeft and it's not fair atal. So I think if you want to be hit u shuld opt on AND CONFURM pls suppurt me Love Kaesma
Kasama be like, Troll Doll!!! But forgot to wind down the window.... ....yeah i had something about a pencil...or penguins......nope..its gone. But penguins are cool! Admit it, you'd want a permanent tux too! Kasama does! If i wer a penguin, id wear a bow tie ...Kasama...Kassss ama...nearly sounds like Llama
I am the personification of 'chill' So all i hear is "you need to you" Which is exactly what i love doing! Me needing to be me isn't really a need tho. Its just more entertaining being me, especially with Gusto!! But thanx for the reminder. Mighty kind of you Peace and love to you all my fellow Terrans! Cept Kayne West....the mellow puff -Måđ