Confirm message for farming

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Kasama, Oct 2, 2016.

  1. Hi all, I'm new here so pls hear me out.

    Currently I am being framed by zeft and it's not fair atal.

    So I think if you want to be hit u shuld opt on AND CONFURM

    pls suppurt me


  2. u suck

  3. "I'm new here" says the guy with 11k forum posts..smh bruh
  4. If you can't tell that it was a troll thread or the sarcasm then.. 'smh bruh' your gullible :roll:
  5. Kasama be like, Troll Doll!!! But forgot to wind down the window....

    ....yeah i had something about a pencil...or penguins......nope..its gone.

    But penguins are cool!
    Admit it, you'd want a permanent tux too!
    Kasama does!
    If i wer a penguin, id wear a bow tie :D

    ...Kasama...Kassss ama...nearly sounds like Llama :)
  6. ^you need to chill
  7. Netflix?

  8. N chill?

  9. Ur trolling so lame i vomitted in my mouth
  10. Support.
  11. I am the personification of 'chill' :)

    So all i hear is "you need to you"
    Which is exactly what i love doing!
    Me needing to be me isn't really a need tho. Its just more entertaining being me, especially with Gusto!! :D

    But thanx for the reminder. Mighty kind of you ;)

    Peace and love to you all my fellow Terrans!
    Cept Kayne West....the mellow puff :D :D
