President Debate Live Discussion

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Focke-Wulf-190D, Sep 26, 2016.

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  1. Hey. Hey. Word. Is your refrigerator running? Because I might just vote for it. 
  2. or you could just vote for me. i'll save the economy by giving everyone in the country free xtals.
  3. But kaw already does that every time the screw up an update or shuts down for an hour, with or without notice.
  4. no. ata only gives them to people that play kaw. i would give them to everybody, whether they play kaw or not.

    but i guess you don't want a job in my administration. i would have given you a cozy ambassador position.
  5. People that don't play kaw don't want free Xtals, silly. That's not what the people want. They want the money that the Xtals are worth though. Could they substitute it?
  6. No wonder you are losing to your fridge.
  7. my fridge doesn't have the temperature to be president.
  8. The fridge is cool, God you're worse than the meme of Clinton with the skater theme trying to fit in
  9. my fridge has a lot of disgusting secrets hidden away.

    ...seriously i need to clean out my fridge.
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