President Debate Live Discussion

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Focke-Wulf-190D, Sep 26, 2016.

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  1. Hello Everyone. This is just a reminder that the presidental debate is on tonight at 9pm est.

    Im reminding yall of this because the person you vote for/president will elect up to 4 supreme court justices for the supreme court during this presidential term which will affect the next generation (your kids or you if your young)

    Live Discussion Purposes:
    Comment what you think, as long as Tou is followed
  2. Re: President Debate **Important**

    2 Supreme Court judges. Maybe more. But at least 2.
  3. Re: President Debate **Important**

    3 are retiring and one is currently dead
  4. Re: President Debate **Important**

    Who announced they were retiring?
  5. Re: President Debate **Important**

    (Tryna do this discretely in class) i think they announced it? We looked it up in class (6min ago) and id been told previously in the day by my criminal justice professor

    Ill look .
  6. Re: President Debate **Important**

    Only one I know is going to leave is Ginsberg
  7. Re: President Debate **Important**

    The ages are 83 80 (by election day) 78.
    Oldest 3. The retire age over the years has averaged 79.
    Thats 2 at mininum as you stated; but upwards to 4 by the end of the 4 year term (president)
  8. Re: President Debate **Important**

    Yeah. 2. Maybe more. Maybe only 1. Cuz Ginsberg is a stubborn old lady.

    But even just one is an important thing that people need to take into consideration when voting this year.
  9. Re: President Debate **Important**

    Yes as it stands there are 4 liberal 4 conservative supreme court justices. Whoever is elected can make a huge difference
  10. Re: President Debate **Important**

    Ok disregard previous comment. Live discussion threads for Debate!
  11. Re: President Debate **Important**

    What purpose was fulfilled? 
  12. Re: President Debate **Important**

    To inform yall that the debate is in 10 minutes
  13. Re: President Debate **Important**

    ORRR you could convert this into a live discussion thread. But that's just me.
  14. Re: President Debate **Important**

    Might aswell. Instead of creating another one which i was gonna do lol
  15. Trump has a cold? I sniffles
  16. And they all thought Clinton was sick :lol:
  17. Trumps losing his patience?
  18. clinton has fought isis her "entire adult life"?

    isis hasn't even existed for MY entire adult life. where does this stuff come from?
  19. I just like the fact they chose to wear clothes that were the color of the opposite party.
  20. i noticed that, too. lol
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