So is it possible to show the login status for players next to there names or at least in clan members i think it would be useful
adding an indicator like icon that turns green when logged in (Currently in-game) red for logged out (not in-game) that show besides the name ... it would be helpful to now the inactives and who are in game now for ebs instead of starting one the forfeit later
This was on GaW for people you're friends with. If you're friends with a spy or enemy and leave it that way overnight, it's your own fault if it bites you in the arse. It also simulates the idea of friends backstabbing you. People befriending you only do they can feed information to the enemy.
If you are on PC, it will show who is active in your epic battles or not. iPhone doesn't show. Android, ask one.
Android shows also. If you regularly look at cr you will see who is often active and not. that's what u gotta do.
Idk about you but im on iPhone and it definitely shows who is active in clan, youre a mod you should definitely know this.
That and if they are on forums it'll show a green dot next to their names. Also daph, within the epic battle it does show who's active or not on iPhone lol. Also like it has been said it'll be bad to have this feature in-game cause this'll actually ruin the game, so best to see who is lurking and who is not, some people prefer to stay in lurk mode on this game. But thanks for trying to come up with new ideas op I'll give a 10/10 for that, but I think it's time for a lock. /lock