shard drops

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Sarah, Sep 21, 2016.

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  1. So the clan I'm in finished an eb before the event ended and no shards were dropped. I needed 200 right shards to make the next tier and the event wasn't over when the eb was completed. Did this happen to other people? What should I do because the drop didn't occur when it should've?
  2. The event item drops stopped 1hr before event ended. This was to allow peeps to convert their tokens in that hour.
    Think the EB you are referring to finished after that period but before the conversion deadline was over, so 7min ago or so (your latest haunt)
  3. It took a few people by surprise and for those who were just a few short devs should bump them.
  4. Bingo
  5. Wow I didn't know that. I even xtaled a few times to ensure that I would get my shard payout. Was this one hour thing publicly announced or???
  6. Yep, there was nothing stating the drops stop 1hr before the event ends.
  7. ATA Charlie did announce this on WC prior to the shard drops stopping
  8. Somewhat yea. It said on the event thread when the drops would end. Think even on the message that popped up daily regarding the event.
    I can see how so many peeps got confused with the timing tho..

    Seeing as how you said you needed 200 tho, you wouldn't have made it unfortunately. Haunt drops a max of 148.
  9. Would have been much more clear if it was on the thread rather than announced 1hr before end :p
  10. Is this true?
  11. No
  12. Says 12pm PST on thread, which is when the drops ended. It also gave an extra hour for you to covert, which was done in the last Brave the elements event.
  13. Well I technically needed only 141 I just rounded up
  14. Wow..... the worst way to communicate something like this. Well done.
  15. 141 doesn't round up to 200 though, it rounds down to 140 or 100, depending on whether you rounded tens or hundreds.
  16. As the op's question has been answered very well here I shall lock this thread up. Cheers Shane!

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