ATA Team Faces Revealed!!

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by _xVx_SB_LyssaGolwyn_SB_xVx_, Sep 19, 2016.

  1. “ATA 7th Anniversary Developer Meeting”
    By KAW Investigative reporter LyssaGolwyn

    Hello KAW Community. Lyssa here with a deep dive investigative report into the inner workings of the elusive KAW developer team. We felt it was time, after the addition of 6 new support staff on April 6th and one additional Game Designer on Jun 14th of this year, to delve a bit deeper into the inner workings and get a better understanding of how these 'Thinking Apes' work in their professional setting.


    What follows is an inside look, with all new previously uncaptured photographs of this hard working bunch. We hope you find it both enlightening and insightful as you discover that they are not unlike ourselves. They have ‘playtime’ and ‘serious get to work time’ just like us.

    Unfortunately, we are not certain of many of the names for each photo we are providing. The one we know for sure is ATA Grant, the others we have provided best guesses and will make changes and updates later if we are able to get confirmation.

    Like most meetings they often begin with people simply arriving and getting settled in. As you could probably guess Grant was first to arrive and was going over his planned meeting notes and glancing through the agenda while munching on a bit of the provided food.

    (ATA Grant)

    Others arrived soon after. Some looking a bit bored for the meeting actually, but still in good spirits.



    (ATA Jodie)

    (ATA Garnet, Jordan)

    We are fairly certain that these next three pictured in unknown order are ATA Bruce, Mark, and Mario. As Game Designers we are told they are always searching for system bugs.

    (ATA Bruce, Mark, & Mario)

    One in particular found it a bit too quiet for their liking and with a mischievous grin…


    …attempted to interject some humor.
    Not certain of the class clown’s name as yet.


    The act clearly did break the ice for several who displayed goofy grins.


    (ATA Marceline)

    Some who had outright laugher from the spectacle.

    (ATA Garnet, Jordan)

    One female clearly finding it all funny, but trying very hard not to laugh.

    (ATA Ellie)

    One guy clearly was not getting involved.


    All stopped abruptly, however, when Grant growled softly and presented his subduing ‘take charge’ glare. True leader that one.

    (ATA Grant)

    Once everyone settled back down Grant presented the 7th Anniversary idea to the team.

    (ATA Grant)

    There was some great discussion around the table with additional ideas and embellishments to really make the anniversary stand out. I’m telling you once this team gets going they really know their stuff and they appear to work seamlessly in determining all the pieces required to make the event a success.

    "Bring back HTE with the extra bar! We'll sell more seals."


    "We should have fireworks!"


    "How about a special crux chest, just for the event?"


    It was a pleasure to be able to watch the team at work. I am thankful that I was not caught in the act as I thought several times one or two of them might have heard my shuffling about nearby.

    Then ATA Charlie, the 4th Game Designer announced that in order to make this all happen and remove all system bugs there would need to be an upload for about 30 minutes to take care of all changes at once.

    (ATA Charlie)

    One team member then exclaimed in horror,
    “30 minutes?! The players will freak out!”


    But those concerns were quickly addressed and it was soon clear that 30 minutes really wouldn’t be that bad and they could simply disguise it as a 30-minute mandatory maintenance. To which all agreed would work well and all-in-all be acceptable.

    “Great idea!”


    “I love it! They’ll never figure it out!”

  3. Ata_Harambe was against the new Osmon Rai lands. The devs had him eliminated. It was all an inside job.
  4. Did anyone *not* see the second half of the post coming? :s
  5. I had to stop idk how far i made old quick
  6. Nice work Lyssa babe
  8. Um... most of us actually know what Grant looks like though
  9. This
  10. Surprised there's no ATA_Zamasu
  11. That white one has to be Charlie
  12. This actually made me laugh... :lol:
  13. better looking, and look smarter than i thought