New OR Building Levels - Info Needed!

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Choccy, Sep 15, 2016.

  4. Riperoni ^ /^^/^^^
  6. Any got the stats on this yet ?
  7. It'll take a while for the entire stats to be leaked I guess...
  8. I posted the stats on the first page, it took me a while to find them. Please respect that and don't overlook my hard work in the future.
  9. The list has been updated. Thanks to those that have been helping out so far! :)
  10. The thread has been updated. Thanks a lot for the help so far! :)
  11. The thread has been updated. Only missing the five last levels of the Shackled Storm building now! :)
  12. Level 10 eye on Abyss gives total 1,952,700 stats (you wrote a bit less, 240 instead of 700)
  13. Level 9 Elven temple in hf gives 500,399 stats each instead of 500,350 that you have. Levels 7,8 and 10 that i checked are correct
  14. for all those that says the devs are just trying to put and end to this game etc, you guys are just thinking about yourselves  yes its true this update does not help most of the kawmunity but if you guys constantly have a negative attitude/vibe towards the devs, why should they listen to us first? they would rather help and focus on those who will stay in the game and support it (top 500ish), then they will put the rest into consideration. on a side note, im NOT saying "everyone in the kawmunity is bad" but im saying that there are way more negative players than positive ones. so maybe, JUST ******* MAYBE... if we change the tone, attitude to the devs they might do more for us.
  15. Monopoly how old can a good game get?