Fallout 4 Discussion

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Zethryr, Sep 18, 2016.

  1. It seems I'm always late to every bandwagon. Always. No change here. I bought Fallout 4 a year after it came out, and with some off time recently, have been playing it extensively, to the point that I fear for my health and home life.

    To start, I would like to say this: Aside from a few minor gripes with glitches and dialog inconsistencies, the game is quite enjoyable, and in my top ten all time favorite games. For those that disliked it, I can understand.

    This thread is for the purpose of discussing some issues in F4, your play style, the decisions you made, and various ideas. I'll post questions and discussion prompts in the OP at times. Don't expect any consistency, being a flake is my thing boys and girls.

    Also, for those who are even later than me: Spoiler Warning from this point on.

    Faction Alliances

    In the main story, I chose to side with the Institute and the Minutemen. I will give my opinions on all factions, and why I chose what I did.

    The Institute
    Well meaning but misguided Scientists with a level of detachment from the surface world, thus explaining their sometimes questionable choices. My reason for siding with the Institute was this: Although I didn't fully agree with their actions at times, becoming the Director would give me authority to change things as I saw fit, for the better. I could improve conditions for the Synths, promote the view that Synths are indeed free thinking, and weed out the undesirable personalities. This was more than I could do for the Brotherhood of Steel, being given only the position of Paladin in the end. There was also the human element to consider, as this was my characters son, and I had to put myself into those shoes.

    The one truly pure power in the Commonwealth, people only go against the Minutemen because they're asshats, or hate Preston Garvey, which is understandable.
    The Minutemen are the generic selfless good guys, regular boy scouts with the Commonwealth's best interest in mind. Helping settlements and defending the defenseless made siding with them a no brainer.

    Brotherhood of Steel
    The Brotherhood made me mad from the start. Headstrong, loud, rude, and so SO very zealous. They claimed peace but brought war, insisted they were protecting the people from themselves, and confiscated technology left and right. They were dictators, hypocrites, and generally annoying. There was no moral question, the Brotherhood were the bad guys in my eyes.

    The Railroad
    And here's the controversial one. The Railroad. The supposed selfless heroes. My first issue with the Railroad was A. They were annoying as hell, B. They were hypocritical in the worst way, and C. They claimed the moral high ground through it all.
    Firstly, the Railroad believes Synths to be Sentient, which is all fine and dandy and we'll get into that later. They also help runaway synths escape the Institute. Still fine. However, if they believe the Synths are free thinking and indistinguishable from a human, that makes the mind wipes performed on many runaway synths completely inexcusable. That is knowingly wiping away every part of a 'person's identity. That was the main thing that made me side with the Institute over the Railroad.

    Discussion Points

    1. Are Synths Truly Sentient?
    This is one of the bigger questions in Fallout 4. The obvious answer would seem to be yes. However, digging deeper, it becomes unclear. It's obvious that they feel pain, emotion, and think for themselves. However, their personalities seem to be programmable, varying from Synth to Synth. Tell me what you think.

    2. Who was your favorite Companion, and why? Mine would have to be a toss up between Cait and MacCready.

    3. Can we all agree that Assaultrons are the bane of the earth?

    4. What DLC is the best?

    As I finish the DLC's, I'll continue to update this.

    tl;dr Stupid Fallout nerd stuff, keep scrolling.
  2. the short version of my feeling on fallout 4:

    once a month; every month since it was released, i go through the steam reviews of fallout 4, thumb down all the positive reviews, and thumb up all the negative reviews.
  3. I only bought Fallout 4 to reenact his death with the in game assets
  4. amazingly harsh
  5. The vanilla game was great with a few minor things that annoyed me.

    But I play on PC so I just used a ton of mods. Mostly GUI, shaders, and texture mods that made the game look better and run smoother. And infinite jetpack fly. And a few other ones not rated for any minors. Moonface.
  6. Synths pfft, wait till you get to the farm, then ask that question, dogmeat coolest companion ever lol, far harbor dlc however with the release of nuka world dlc this may change due to the size of nuka world
  7. It's been on sale a lot recently... I wonder why.
  8. Considering it was the biggest game launch of 2015, amassing over $750m in the first 24 hours: I doubt it's because Bethesda is doing bad
  9. I feel like the fact you could only do 2 factions hurt the game, considering how many you could play on the companies previous title, Skyrim.
  10. Just to note, I made it to around 220 hours on a skyrim account and was still having fun before saving over it.

    On fallout 4 I only made it between 50-60 hours on my main account before just being bored with the game.

    EDIT: also was sad about the "Hardest" section of the map only takes around a hour to fully explore :/
  11. I felt the opposite. It forces you to actually pick a side, rather than unbelievably playing all sides at once.
  12. I can attest to this, have about 300hrs on Skyrim, but only 30-40 on F4. Once I finished the story there wasn't much to keep my attention to be honest. At the same time though, I was playing Legendary Edition of Skyrim with mods, so that may have influenced it somewhat
  13. Meh, Fallout 3 was better IMO. Hate the stupid addition of having to "build" colonies. Just let me play.
  14. It's the first game I've really played like it and I love it so far. I'm pretty awful at it, probably about halfway through the storyline but I like to explore and build settlements and do random stuff as well which slows me down.

    I've also been playing around with mods since they got released for consoles so need to start playing the actual game again :lol:

    Tell me good mods for xbox
  15. The best ps4 mod is called vanilla.
  16. You fiend
  17. Console peasants can have mods now? :)

    Are they limited to a selection of mods or can they just download any mod and install right off nexus?
  18. Lmfaoo that game is something else 