Osmon Rai New Levels Discussion

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by KiLLeR-THE-Wr3ckeR, Sep 15, 2016.

  1. Have you noticed those people that are domestically abused tend to stay and take the beating for some reason. ATA using the same strategy abuse your customer enough to keep then prison in the game. Another way of looking at it is a herein addict. Keep chasing that dragon tail and hoping you catch it one day. You know you will never catch that dragon tail but you continue until crush and burn. Best to play your normal way. Play the way you always does for friends and clan. Stay loyal to your clan and friends. ATA is a business who knows their game will not last forever. They knew the new trend of online war game. the study show that by favouring the big spenders they stay in the game to keep them on the chase. Good luck and have fun until to next land. Stay loyal to your clan and friends in good time and bad time. Don't cheat either lol KAW God are watching
  2. No more $ from me. I used to spend $5 here and there but now realize there's no chance anymore as it's ridiculous what the latest lands costs. I'm just gonna archive this game shortly.
  3. I know you're supposed to come here and praise the devs. But come on. You think that's a catch up mechanic? All they're doing to trying to get the most cash out of this game before it dies and then they use the profits to bank roll their next doomed app.
  4. Inb4 ban for 'harassing' a mod
  5. You shouldn't get banned for a comment like that, although it wouldn't surprise me either, it's a perfectly rational response to a player.
  6. Telling off a staff member will get you banned though. Don't hurt their feelings lol.
  7. Being a really hard core player back in the day to being a somewhat casual player nowadays, I have to say I did harbour some hopes of getting bc again ever since I came back after a long hiatus due to boredom with this game that priorities hourly logins for 1 frenzied minute of nonstop tapping over building a strong and cohesive community that will keep growing larger than the sum of its combined parts over time.

    7 years is a long time for sustained success and for this, I congratulate ATA in being astute enough to change with the times to continue as a success story.

    Unfortunately, while this new update of new building levels may seem great to those in the position of being able to profit off them, the majority of people I know and have talked to are totally in agreement that it is an issue that creates a huge ravine between new players and early adopters which is all but insurmountable unless you have access to unlimited funds to exchange for imaginary numbers in a database.

    Although from a marketing point of view, it might seem a great idea to keep your top paying customers happy, it seems akin to committing business suicide to ignore the rest of your paying/free customer base when the majority clamor for a way to reach the coverted endgame status and not having the goals shifted when they are finally in sight of the finishing line. Especially when they comprise of the much larger vast majority when compared to the much smaller big spender base.

    It might seem counterintuitive but allowing more people to BC before introducing ways to absorb excessive game gold might actually net you more income when these very people actually introduce friends to this game with great potential as new blood which in turn builds up a more stable revenue base leading to greater profits over time rather than the sorry state of events now when your customers leave in droves and new players come in and see the huge gulf between them and the largest accounts and quit immediately because they don't feel they can ever get to a state where they are competitive.

    Of course, I don't own a multimillion dollar corporation but I do own several businesses and based on personal experience, I feel that I might just point out where you are going wrong with your business model of trying your darnest to monetize the short-term greed and lust of your biggest customers who always want to be the best and are also in the position of being able to do so. Sad to say, I feel your business model is only sustainable if you continue milking these said players more and more who will eventually quit one by one. When the big spenders quitting trickle turns into a torrent, that's when you will realize that you should have concentrated your efforts on the other 99% whom by then wouldn't be around to receive your love and concern.

    Of course, you don't have to listen to me. Just summing up some honest opinion and critique from what some friends and I who have been playing this game since the pwars era have discussed recently.

    We sincerely hope this helps if it happens to be read by the right set of eyes. Good luck in your future ventures.
  8. Its absurd that hoarfrost buildings arent 50% off yet ...they were terrible stat to gold ratio from the start idk the last time my alt even looked at yhe HF page once abyss came out
  9. How about an extention of ll/hl buildings to level 10, allow hl builds on the ll now, hf/ab to lvl 15 and reduce hf costs? Introducr a castle lvl4?

    That helps small-mids a good amount and even give biggers something too.
  10. Gonna make this pretty damn simple. Who "asked" for these upgrades? 1 for "I" and 2 "Hell No".

    This is not a poll, just curious....


    Happy KAW'ing ️
  11. More lands and buildings will only put more gold out on the ally market, which means the ally prices will keep going up because we don't have enough new serious players who have an incentive to grow and stay in this game. The end result is only more inflation, and an unhappy majority of players who are eventually bound to quit.
    If I was given the actual data, I'd be able to accurately conclude what's going on, and what is bound to happen after a certain amount of time.
  12. 2.

    I would like to see the devs actually poll their community of players. My bet would be it will never happen because they already know the answer.

    Anyone who spends a dime on this going forward literally might as well head out to the nearest tattoo shop and get sucker tattooed on their forehead.
  13. 2