More Events

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by -lilil-_-H3llB0UND-_-lilil-, Sep 17, 2016.

  1. I think that there should be more events at once. I suggest doing this Aqua/inferno event while also doing a war event, pvp event and eb event at the same time. That way it spreads out everyone equally and gives people more chances for top 10,50,100,500. This could bridge the gap between small and big players. Make event drops equal so it doesn't favor big players. I know this is a low quality thread but it has to be said.
  2. This didn't have to be said.
  3. You scrub lord troll master 3000, I don't need you on my thread.
  4. I never troll anyone, bud.

    I could have commented on what a stupid idea this is, but I didn't.

    Just stated a fact. There was no reason you had to say this. It solves none of kaws problems. It is just another random crappy idea from someone that just wants more stuff and doesn't realize that this endless mindless pursuit of fake gold is the reason kaw is in such a terrible state.

    Telling someone the truth isn't a "troll"
  5. Support
  6. Cool idea, but the A&F event needs to be a break event after a few to upgrade everything... Support
  7. The top 100 in all 4 simultaneous events would be the top 200 spenders. There is no point to this other than to dramatically increase the amount of gold in kaw, which has been the root of all kaws problems since the creation of hte.

    This won't make anything better. It would only make things worse. Use your heads.
  8. Honestly... as much as I hate to say it.... Word is right here... :lol:
  9. But that's exactly what a troll would say ;)
  10. but that is also exactly what someone who is NOT a troll would say.

    seems we are at an impasse.
  11. Look man, I gotta do what I gotta do to seem unique and edgy.
  12. Your name is xxIanxx. Your unique enough, unless the subject is adult industry
  13. Be careful there bud. Don't cut yourself on that edge :)
  14. @ Suptis2 - 

    And Wordwaster is correct. Thank you.
  16. No Support
  17. Fake gold? Do you know how stupid you sound? These are the reasons why we play this game, the enjoyment of getting gold to grow more is a main aspect of this game. The real problem is people like you need to stop taking it so seriously, it is a game after all righit? This is also the same with people spending too much damn money on this game. For those who don't wanna spend money for progress support this
  18. think it is real gold?

    But I'm the one that takes this game too seriously.
  19. That's not what I'm saying, you say it's a mindless pursuit yet its the whole point of the whole game. Besides who would play this game if the fake gold was never incorporated?