Regarding the Unscheduled Downtime Disscussion

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by xXsHaNeThEcReEpXx, Sep 16, 2016.

  1. A place for you to discuss what happened with the downtime since the other is locked
  2. What is the glitch? I missed it lmao, been to busy cruxing to realise what it was :lol:
  3. Waste of crux, would've been nice to have received a warning
  4. Free golden crux?
  5. Warning for unscheduled maintainance... Lol thats genius
  6. Exactly.
  7. Well I implied that it should have been a 'scheduled' maintenance, but I wouldn't expect a simple mind like yours to pick up on that :)
  8. You can't just schedule an UNSCHEDULED maintenance... There clearly was a big they needed to fix ASAP so they did it.
  9. Did they do anything other than ban?
  10. no, the lb continues to grow & someone crashed the servers....the forum post is a lie....
  11. We've fixed the specific issue in question and are evaluating the impact in-game now.
  12. Unscheduled downtime is inconvenient but usually in response to a programming prob that requires immediate action. Better to be locked out for a few minutes than have to endure an critical issue. Losses are generally compensated for. So, is this really something worth being upset about?

    Edit: Didn't see your post grant. In your case, it is a shark and not a cow.
  13. Was there an exploit that players took advantage of Grant?
  14. Compensation better be more than a xtal or crux. Considering most people had the new crux chest running and others so it went too complete waste. :roll:
  15. There was an issue with the new building levels that some users were affected by. We'll have more information in the near future after we fully assess and ensure game balance is maintained.
  16. Just roll back the servers to before you loaded in the new buildings. It'll be a pain in the butt, but it would be the most fair thing.

    Then after that make it a Free HTE day. All HTE is free with unlimited crystal usage (crystals not free just the HTE). Plus make the HTE a 77% bonus to celebrate the Kawiversary.
  17. llTllKllMllAllGllSllPllIllE that ban was me btw. Please dont bypass or quote bypasses.
  18. "There was an issue with the new building levels that some users were affected by. We'll have more information in the near future after we fully assess and ensure game balance is maintained."

    "Balance"??? what balance is there this only increases the current gap between all players atm for a quick cash grab. If I'm not wrong there are no more that 400 Rai Lv10 BC players yet. This new land update was way way way too early :roll: :roll:
  19. You've fixed the issue, so I'm guessing you fixed the insane plunder and the insane stats are here to stay.
  20. This update has ensured that balance will never be maintained grant