Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by wordwaster, Sep 16, 2016.

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  1. or just ******* ban me from the game right now. this is ******* ridiculous. you piss off 99% of kaw and then try to just shut everyone up when they complain? you really think that is going to make things better?

    you want people to not complain? then quit pissing on your community!
  2. As long as the threads breach TOU/ROC it's acceptable to remove them. However, if it's just strong criticism there is no reason for them to be removed. Again, newbie mods, there's a lesson of censure vs. censor to be learned.

    Public opinion is what it is, embrace it. Especially when the overall sentiment is dissatisfaction from the recent content.
  3. not going to complain when this one is removed. but most of the others were perfectly valid.
  4. If I recall correctly, mods can only lock, not delete.

    Because I've seen threads that were about things that shouldn't be seen by a 9+ community only locked and not deleted.
  5. Yeah, due to naughty modding in the past. Moderators are only able to clean,lock and move threads/posts elsewhere.

    Deleting them entirely is only capable with a developer toolbox.
  6. Think only devs can delete
  7. i swear to kawd, grant. if that post delete was supposed to be a joke, i'm not laughing.
  8. as i said before, "ofc its the devs, i wouldn't talk to the mods that way".
  9. Can i repost my petition now grant? I know you guys had an oh Shhhh moment around 4 hours ago... Yey or Ney
  10. Tell us how you really feel !
  11. Irreverent support
  12. Why is OP butthurt?? 
  13. why are you so desperate for attention?

    and before you say anything: they weren't deleting my threads. this was the only thread i made.
  14. dont feel bad they del my posts all the time
  15. Wordwaster be like

    But also, I am sorry ya'll feel that way. Probably best to email support if you think something has been moved in error. Forums is a very unique moderating experience.
  16. they weren't moved in error, daph.

    everyone knows why they were deleted. and it wasn't the moderators doing it.
  17. u missed bout 30 ppl in wc silences but u sure nailed me, oh plz smh... couldve done so much better to earn that!
  18. Canadian Competition Bureau-
    Most provinces and territories have laws that protect consumers from unfair or deceptive business practices. Generally, an unfair or deceptive practice takes the form of a claim that would likely mislead the average person or a claim taking advantage of a person's inability to protect their interests during negotiations.

    When you believe you have been deceived, contact the Competition Bureau, the Better Business Bureau or your provincial or territorial consumer affairs office. When the complaint relates to labelling or advertising of food, contact the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA).

    Consumers are also protected against Misleading Advertising.

    Some feel devs avoiding customer questions and or lack of comment replys is very rude.
    If a product is purchased there needs to be a return policy.
    If advertising to pull you in to purchase doesn't deliver the absolute promise there needs to be a disclaimer.
    The objective to become a top lb player is very expensive and ata needs to publish what a player will need to invest to become lb.
    All good business practices and policies should be readily available to the General Public.

    It may be in the best interest of those feeling coerced to seek retribution.
  19. anyway, i think the devs got my point about the deletions just making things worse. so feel free to lock this and ban me.
  20. Yea..kinda sucks. Some awesome threads have been deleted in the past #AshesOfEden. But it kinda makes sense, I'm sure most people wouldnt let someone else bash them on their own social media page...ect. You don't go to someone's party, insult the host and expect em to do nothing, ya know? Completely free to make devs look bad anywhere else online XD.
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