Rant about the devs

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Cobra, Sep 16, 2016.

  1. This isn't a rant about the devs, but now that I have your attention, let me tell y'all folks some stuff.

    Target Marketing: ATA is a company. Companies have to make money, and to do that, they market. Now you can't just market to anybody. You must have a target market. The target market isn't the 9 year olds anymore, it's the older age players that have the cash and stick around. Companies must advertise to a very specific target market to make money. The target, I'm assuming, is 16-30 year old men who have money to spend. This is who is most likely to download the game, play the game, and spend money. These middle aged men are also the LB players. The devs must keep them happy, and they do that by releasing new lands, knowing that the big spenders will spend money. This is a smart business move by the devs. The LB players don't want you smaller players, myself included, to catch up to them. They are paying to be BETTER than you, not paying to be the same! The devs will lose their money if they close the gap. You all complain that you want new things, and the devs give them. You then proceed to complain when they come out. If you dislike the game because you don't spend money, feel free to quit. The devs won't care, and neither will us players. ATA is just a company that is making money with smart business moves. You will all soon be complaining when they come out with level 50 upgrades on all lands. Don't be afraid of change.

    I realize this is a wall of text that I rushed. Feel free to not read it.
  2. I don't agree. I don't know anyone who wanted new upgrades lb included. And i think if the Devs closed the gap more mids would start spending to reach lb. Right now they don't think it is achievable. They and are right. If lands and upgrades are released when most people still haven't completed the last set people get discouraged and are far less likely to spend. Now we have the issue of noobs who don't stick around and people who are giving up because the game advances faster than they do.
  3. Almost everyone who plays never had a chance at lb. Just because it's now farther away for you doesn't mean it was ever close.

    You all need to stop whining and realize "wow, I can now play the game longer if I choose to since there are more features"
  4. 16-30 is middle aged? 
  5. There is about 25,000 players in this community as of now. Formerly, there were about only 400 people BC prior. You tell me if this expansion wasn't premature.
  6. I think premature is a lenient term in this instance Tbh.
  7. I think premature is quite accurate.
  8. Exactly! Well said, Cobra.

    Though, I'm not surprising, because it's devs' work to do with this game. I'm fine what devs have done to this game. Also, I'm not big spender and I was grateful when devs gave away free xtals while b2b events. I don't see any wrong about this game. I can keep going on

    To complaints, spend or not is your choose and don't cry about update that gap is getting bigger and can't catch up with tops. So what... Play on your own at your current level.

    I'm around 52m CS and growing slow and steady. That is because I'm enjoying to do with my kingdom for long time.

    (Grammar didn't checked, so mind it. Happy KaWing)
  9. I stopped spending because the chase was made impossible. Idk how you guys did it but... you did it. I would've continued to spend if becoming bc was more realistic
  10. It is, it is fallout from what happened on SMASH. ATA killed the game with an overhaul, things are so bad there you can top 100 events without spending. Almost everyone quit.

    Adding more levels on KaW brings them the money to keep their future projects going. That's all KaW is at this point, a cash cow. Look at it from a business PoV. New levels = $$$
  11. My 2 cents !

    Canadian Competition Bureau-
    Most provinces and territories have laws that protect consumers from unfair or deceptive business practices. Generally, an unfair or deceptive practice takes the form of a claim that would likely mislead the average person or a claim taking advantage of a person's inability to protect their interests during negotiations.

    When you believe you have been deceived, contact the Competition Bureau, the Better Business Bureau or your provincial or territorial consumer affairs office. When the complaint relates to labelling or advertising of food, contact the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA).

    Consumers are also protected against Misleading Advertising.

    Some feel devs avoiding customer questions and or lack of comment replys is very rude.
    If a product is purchased there needs to be a return policy.
    If advertising to pull you in to purchase doesn't deliver the absolute promise there needs to be a disclaimer.
    The objective to become a top lb player is very expensive and ata needs to publish what a player will need to invest to become lb.
    All good business practices and policies should be readily available to the General Public.

    It may be in the best interest of those feeling coerced to seek retribution.
  12. Tl;dr ~ Stop lying to me in your first 2 lines of text scrub asf
  13. Didn't lie in the first 2 lines. Also, it's a good rant.
  14. you did lie. it is a rant about the devs.

    it isn't a rant directed AT the devs, but it is still a rant and it is about the devs.
  15. It's a good rant then xD