Osmon Rai New Levels Discussion

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by KiLLeR-THE-Wr3ckeR, Sep 15, 2016.

  1. Same
  2. Looks like business as usual to me
  3. My thread was just deleted. It was a petition. Gg devs i ss' d
  4. If yall want my ss pm or line

  5. Or just post it here
  6. Sad part is they locked their own thread 
  7. I really don't want to play anymore
  8. The new lands give us something to work twords and keeps the game going. Once u get bc, theres nothing to spend gold on except allies... that gets old. Do what you will devs, its your game, i just love playing it :) and btw, i enjoy having the ability to pick my stat area and playing there. Im 45mcs and happy with it.
  9. This is why I stay small no point in chasing BC it'll just lead to being upset
  10. How would i post my ss of my thread? I have drop box would i use that link?
  11. Just so you know your never going to bc. Its gunna take you over a decade to be halfway their
  12. Permanent plunder increase on all eb's across the board please. Thanks.
  13. At least not smart enough to block searching 4 the locked threads. Really makes the Devs look pathetic & petty.
  14. A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business.

    I feel sorry for those who pay this horrible company.
  15. When I saw the words "new building levels" I went and checked every land except osmon, but apparently only BC players deserve smaller upgrades. I was hoping for HL to move up to 10 levels or something.
  16. With this new building upgrade is out. I'm going to get a massage with happy ending to relax and focus again
  17. Well, I'm fine with new update plus what devs done to this game as it's not my business, so be grateful for received 7th anniversary rewards. Be big spender or not, just KaWing
  18. 10,000 POSTS GG! :D
  19. **** you, ata. Im top 5000 and I'm wasnt even half way to build complete. Get it through your ******* heads that the reason people keep quitting is because you keep doing this.

    The vast majority of your player base DOES NOT WANT THIS
  20. Don't really like the idea leaves a gap in build sizes