7th Anniversary Celebration! - UPDATED

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Sep 15, 2016.

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  1. Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration!

  2. Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration!

    I am very interested in how this will ripple in OSW. Gonna be interesting to follow.
  3. Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration!

    Yes its natural for some games to progress endgame goals but you guys work at the lb's pace not the general pace of kaw which only enables them to keep there lead more easily. There may be content for all sizes but most aren't playing for the content at their size, they're playing to reach end game gameplay so its irellevant to them what u add unless it helps to close the gap. Ata is blinded and deafened by its arrogance & greed & the top guys at headquaters may be patting the devs on the back for this but there is no way u are recieving greater support for this than discontent overall from the playerbase.
  4. Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration!

    This was done with the intention of keeping people spending on Black Friday. Why spend if you're done right ? Stop saying it was for the kawmunity, y'all just want spenders on Black Friday
  5. Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration!

    & i'll add there is no way u can guarantee i would want new upgrades & this shows u clearly kno squat about ur overall playerbase. I can guarantee i'd only want new buildings if the game remained competitive for ur average player, i see no point being at the top of a lb if its easy to stay there, thats ur own greed n insecurities with trust leading u to think others only want to make this game designed for players there own size n want it to keep it developing that way.
  6. Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration!

    A Thinking Apes become more greedy.Sooner or later they greed attitude will pay off bcos of their bad business practice.They never listen to their customer instead of squeezing more juice out of them for the sake of their empty coffer.

    more insult will pour in for the stupidity of A Thinking Ape Development Team.yes,average of player/customer now cursing you..
  7. Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration!

    I'm ranked 776 and still need about 20 upgrades to be what use to be build complete. So when grant says they are putting more upgrades to keep those who are bc from getting bored.... he is talking about the top 5% of kaw. The other 95% of kaw are of no concern to ATA 
  8. Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration!

    What's up with the forum censoring devs?
  9. Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration!

  10. Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration!

    Please double all eb plunder permanently, thanks.
  11. Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration!

    I don't see how the new upgrades stop the top players from being bored as it takes them a few minutes to bc again.
  12. Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration!

  13. Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration!

    Too true...^
  14. Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration!

    I had 4 years fun off and on, but now I'm gone. Bye bye KAW. And Devs you still make me smile with your nonsense answers.
  15. Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration!

  16. Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration!

    Support. Rank #1812
  17. Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration!

    Woohoo, rank is gonna increase from upper half of 3k to sub 3k.
  18. Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration!

  19. Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration!

    Could ata tell us the amount spent by top 5% of kaw players v's the other 95%?
  20. Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration!

    Instead of new levels every 6 months try just doing pvp and war leagues for the best of the best players so they have something to compete for aside from standard events. That way the rest of us can hope to at least get half way close
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