Osmon Rai New Levels Discussion

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by KiLLeR-THE-Wr3ckeR, Sep 15, 2016.

  1. Since devs locked the thread of new levels after erasing several comments
    I'm opening this so everyone can discuss FREELY and give their OPINION about new lands

    PS. Developers, freedom of speech is not something you can play with.
  2. /inb4thedelete
  3. New levels are terrible. stats are insane gonna take at least 5 more years to bc since I ain't spending any more money
  4. Remove them
  5. Utterly unwanted and unneeded
  6. RIP My Dreams of BCing
  7. Reconsider this entire release.

    No land set has ever had 20 levels.

    Make community clan lands with % bonuses or something if you need a gold sink.

    Make the end at least appear to be achievable. BC leads to war / human ingenuity / working together - the reasons most started playing this game.
  8. Very, very stupid move by developers.

    I find it funny that devs are have only censoring forums on this topic
  9. There's forum censorship now, petition thread got removed and I made a thread asking where it went and my thread got deleted.
  10. Like you
  11. Its terrible.
    Its 2012 for KAW.
  12. Wasn't 2012 the high point of kaw? I mean could be wrong but pretty sure..
  13. I have friends, not puppets like yourself. =)

    Still salty after all this time someone picked omar over you?

  14. The irony in THAT. ^.^
  15. I remember when 5 mil attack stats where outrageous. Now look at this crap and us smaller players are getting pushed father down the pole. ATA screw you
  16. You are just asking for the Omar jokes to start.
  17. By 2012 i mean the end of the world. You seen the movie?
    The superstition based on the mayan calendar
  18. Roxey #1 puppet speaks for herself! :eek:
  19. This is outrageous

  20. Mango behave yourself. We both know who pulls your strings princess.