Pro Packs

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by TheX, Sep 12, 2016.

  1. New propacks which are purchased with mith? Sorry for the lack of effort into this post. #short&snappy

    Would cost 500,1000,1500,2000,5000


    ▪PvP plunder bonus items
    ▪New % based equipment
    ▪Speakers (Cus why not, right?)

  2. I like this, never gonna happen but pro pack perm items could include PvP plunder bonuses.
  3. Like this idea
  4. Support. We need a use for mith.
  5. Equip should be purely attack based. PvP is all about attack, you can mix it with defensive eb / event equipment but I've always felt mith gear should be offensive based

    Edit: also would rather have nobs than xtals tbh
  6. Support! :D
  7. Feel free to add ideads
  8. There is already a use for mith
  9. Barely, some new implements wouldn't hurt
  10. No one uses % equipment because it's garbage, speakers because why not, they are already free who will throw mithril away like that you may as well buy chat colors, pvp is all but a battle list ghost town, any rewards for that will go unused, I've got to say no support
  11. I'm sorry what?? No one uses % equipment because it's garbage? Oh.. Okay..

    :roll: Guess I'll unequip this now because you know... "Garbage"
  12. Exactly Dash. Everyone uses Pinion boots earned from SR eb. Why, because it's the best out there. As for the Abysal sword, I don't use because as your troops lower after each att action, so does the strength of that EQ item. It's not raw stats like other EQ. So if hitting from pin, the Abysal sword stats are also very low
  13. I have had no luck yet in obtaining the boots :-( Hence why I stick with the Sword. Does the job and I don't really mind about the decrease. My point was above though that % equip is not always garbage. My sword has helped me heaps and I'm sure when I get the boots thy will help me even more!
  14. % equipment is in high demand
  15. Thank you for saying what we were all thinking :)
    May your kaw game be blessed by the dev gods and numerous riches befall you and your offspring! (alts)
  16. How about add 4 new slots for bfe. These 4 slots will be separated to give u bonus of attk, defence, spy attk and spy defence.
    These 4 slots can be upgraded unlimited. Everytime u invite 500 miths + 500 silver bars + 100 aqua + 100 inferno = 10m bonus

    p.s.: I prefer some new stuffs that I can keep growing up my bfe, not be replaced by new event equips every couple months.