Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by missy-purple-acid, Sep 10, 2016.

  1. Rise Of The Golden Eagle, part 1

    phase 1:
    ▶sweeping grasp, scout (200k-0k)

    ▶eagles glare, use item cloak of invisiblity

    ▶scattered advance, att/ass (250k-0k)
    Reagins 5k every 10 mins

    ▶eagles nest, att/ass (100%-50%) total of
    (500k-0k hp).

    phase 2:
    ▶down force, att/ass (250k-0k) regains
    (5k) every 10mins.

    ▶fianl flight, ass/at (500k/0k)

    ▶golden feathers, steal (25k-0k) regains
    (5k) every 10mins.

    ▶eagles nest, att/ass (50%-0%) (500k-0k hp)
    Revenge of the golden eagle, part 2
    This has 5 phase's of different attacks, on main health bar only.
    Phase 1: main heath on golden eagle,

    attack (100%-75%) = (250k hp)
    (Requires eagle eye trinket)
    Phase 2: main health bar on golden eagle,

    assination (75%-50%) =(250k hp)
    (Requires eagle eye trinket)
    Phase 3: main health bar on golden eagle,

    scout (50%-25%)=(250k hp)
    Phase4: main health bar on golden eagle,

    steal (25%-5%)=(200k hp) equiped banner of requisition, deals double damage.
    ﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏Phase 5: main health bar on golden eagle,

    use rain of fire and mist of confusion together to kill the remaining (5%-0%)=(50k).

    after epic battles has been victorious

    Drops one steal of requisition (common)
    Drops one cloth of requistion (common)
    Drops one blood wood (common)
    Drops 1-2 gold bars (rare)
    Drops aqua 8-10
    Drops inferno 8-10

    Rise of the golden eagle drops

    Eagle eye, trinket
    Attack defence:15mill
    Spy attack: 15mill
    Spy attack: 15mill
    (Fully enchanted).

    Must be equipped during,
    Phase one and two of part two, revenge of the golden eagle.

    ▶Castle level 3-4.

    (Required 75 lands unlock)
    Can be ideal for converting.

    Attack: 3,000,000, next level 5,000,000

    defence: 3,000,000, next level 5,000,000

    Spy attack: 2,000,000, next level 4,000,000

    Spy defence: 2,000,000, next level 4,000,000

    Cost reduction: +5%.
    (Note, dose not affect price of refund)

    Cost reductions to, (land/building/upgrades.)
    Cost off upgrade:250b
    Unlocks gold bars in market.
    Price of gold bar, 10 silver bars for 1 gold bar.
    Refund, 7 silver bars per gold bar.
    banners of requisition

    banner of requistion▶+2.5% to plunder.


    ▶100 gold bars.
    ▶10 bloodwood.
    ▶50 steel of requisition.
    ▶50 cloth of requisition.

    gilded banner of requistion▶+3.5% to plunder


    ▶200 gold bars.
    ▶15 bloodwood.
    ▶75 steel of requisition.
    ▶75 cloth of requisition.

    golden banner of requisition▶+5% to plunder


    ▶300 gold bars.
    ▶20 bloodwood.
    ▶100 steel of requisition.
    ▶100 cloth of requisition.
  2. Re: banner of requisition

  3. Re: banner of requisition

    Make some use of that 0% gold coin in equipment..
  4. Re: banner of requisition

    No support
  5. Re: banner of requisition

  6. Re: banner of requisition

    I actually kinda like the idea of giving a decrease to land and building cost - obviously at the expense of stats.
  7. Re: banner of requisition

    Even if it's just one banner and you upgrade it to tier 2 then 3.
  8. Re: banner of requisition

    Perhaps make a new epic battle that drops the banner, along with the miscellaneous items used to upgrade.
  9. Re: banner of requisition

  10. Re: banner of requisition

    I think it would people something more to shoot for. It will keep more people interested in the game
  11. Re: banner of requisition

    No way in hell with percentages that high
  12. Re: banner of requisition

  13. Re: banner of requisition

    Can we just have a way to get rid of our old equipment for gold or be able to disenchant our old equip to get like a 75% mithril refund
  14. Re: banner of requisition

    Cool idea tho shaktra
  15. Re: banner of requisition

  16. Re: banner of requisition

    Sounds cool to a point. It's a bit op in my opinion and deva will never incorporate it though.
  17. Re: banner of requisition

     I'm Dieing Sky
  18. Re: banner of requisition

    Just give me silver bars
  19. Re: banner of requisition

    Too many people saying no without reasons. I support the concept, keep it up, but try to look at the critical responses/feedback and suggestions.

    But there definitely needs to be more to banners, plunder percentages would be the next way to go. Definitely would need to be a less percentage than attack/def percentages imo.

    I don't agree with the cost of lowering land and building prices by use of a banner. Would be interesting instead if they gave building and land tokens again in events rather than a bonus as such through a banner highrollers will get in all their xtals dumps. That way everyone has a chance for the benefit.

    Also the main reason for the castle was definitely to unlock the Mage, maybe we need another addition to kaw inorder to make a castle useful. Gold bars for a banner seems a little much especially when silver bars were just implemented so recently.

    Edit: I think I read the castle upgrade idea wrong. But if its specifically needed to upgrade the banner, the main reason I disagree is that we need to help new players and mids more than helping those able to already obtain 100buildings with another plunder boost ontop of the cash they're obtaining. It would primarily help only those in the top 50 clans in kaw. I think the banner should be able to be obtained by all tbh, just extremely rare like how some banners were found in past events.
  20. Re: banner of requisition

    A few changes has been made, after listening to some ideas.