Brave the Elements Returns

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Sep 9, 2016.

  1. This is the biggest pay to win event I've ever seen in the game with the amount that ZTA drops.
  2. Given your logic, spy buildings are eb buildings.
    You have eb buildings.
    Go stick to ebs.
  3. Your lack of ee or any war achievements says it all really. Please keep your 10m adt and useless sdt in ebs too. Tanks like you wouldnt be doing much better than a spy build.
  4. I wouldn't use this acct to do ee just like I wouldn't use an acct like your status to do indi then winning it's not fair to reward top plunders
  5. yup. We both are eb buildings, so just stick on ebs.

    don't complain if u still want to join indi war. Your just cast woc and waiting someone to carry u for a free win
  6. ^ who's complaining and who's waiting to get carried?

  8. Absolutely those eb buildings who wants indi wars
  9. Are you for real? You're either kaw's most ignorant warrior or the biggest troll around lol.

    People should stick to ebs because this stupid change is unfair to those who dont want to be punished because of build choice or things out of their control?

    That's so dumb. Encourage warring by telling people they are not going to get very far because of the system you've designed or their play style. :lol:

    People war for fun. Why should they be told to stick to ebs by idiots or be punished by the system for their choices regardless of their contribution to the war?

    Spies are useful too in indi. You as a tank wouldnt be able to skim half the players you do without spies to take them down a peg.

    Hansels in T1 plunder a ton as well, but I guess by your logic spies are only for ebs.

    Go back to being a fairy you clearly don't understand ee as much as you think you do.
  10. Mango, I like peaches

  11. Are you for real? You're either kaw's most ignorant warrior or the biggest troll around lol.

    People should stick to ebs because this stupid change is unfair to those who dont want to be punished because of build choice or things out of their control?

    That's so dumb. Encourage warring by telling people they are not going to get very far because of the system you've designed or their play style. :lol:

    People war for fun. Why should they be told to stick to ebs by idiots or be punished by the system for their choices regardless of their contribution to the war?

    Spies are useful too in indi. You as a tank wouldnt be able to skim half the players you do without spies to take them down a peg.

    Hansels in T1 plunder a ton as well, but I guess by your logic spies are only for ebs.

    Go back to being a fairy you clearly don't understand ee as much as you think you do.[/quote]

    Peoples of course can war for fun. But mostly peoples only whining when they getting in an indi roster and saw tons of members are your status.

    cast for woc for fun and don't complain the system for favor u. U already get a big advantage from ebs and u still have llwars.

    fix your status to join indi if your want more awards, not asking devs to fix everything to favor u eb buildings. How can it still be fun for ee if everyone convert to ps1 ?

    Btw, hansels can make huge plunders from indi but definitely not your status. Your are only a huge leaking if u go hansel for indi.
  12. Towers are good for PvP and OSW. Just because you don't play the KaW in the above mentioned ways, doesn't mean you should get a benefit in EE wars.
  13. Hansels only make a lot if they have hundreds of trillions in bfa. Spies do more than some of you leaky tanks and hybs have ever done in indi wars, yet we are punished because we can't plunder regardless of performance.

    Why should we stick to ebs when we perform better than tanks but stupid changes make us get reduced rewards irregardless of performance?

    Wars aren't just won through plunder, people have to bite the bullet and do what's best for the team too.

    Damien is correct too. Wars are for everyone and should be rewarded on contribution not plunder alone. You can dive xstal dive and be top plunder yet contribute absolutely nothing to the war. Why should that be rewarded more than someone who is there the whole hour consistently working?
  14. Bring back previous event's war reward rule.

    Can't stand individualist people who fight for top WR and disobey clan's need.
  15. Hello Devs,
    Where can I get the key to open the Alchemia Box? And the icon of Agony. Both have been missing since the start of the event. Iphone users can see them but pc users can't.
  16. i got burned for 300 inferno tokens. Who do i have to kiss to fix that
  17. Hey Devs,
    What do I have to do to get a key to open my Alchemia Boxes? In other events, it was in the "other" tab of the supplies section in the PC interface. It is not there in this event? What's up?????
    Am I the only one with this interface problem? Anyone else out there can't buy an Alchemia key to open the Alchemia Box? Maybe I am just the crazy one.
    Thanks in advance for an answer on this one devs.
  18. Does each token equal one of each inferno/aqua depending on which drops used