Suicide Prevention Week Post #2

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by X_AnnaGrace_X, Sep 6, 2016.

  1. I didn't read this because of the length but good on whoever posted this.
  2. Honestly none of this reminds me of depression. This is normal social development, (unfortunately) normal interactions for teenagers, and generally a part of growing up and maturing. As someone who is very slowly recovering from six years of actual clinical depression, it's people like OP who romanticize depression that makes sufferers hate things that should be uplifting, positive events like this week.
    The absolute last thing I want to read or hear when I'm suicidal is tripe like this. It doesn't help, and often it makes things worse because you realize the person you're talking to actually has no faint idea of what you're going through.
  3. Depression comes in more forms than just your single case. And often comes with other things, such as social anxiety.
    While what the op said might not describe your case specifically, it could be relatable for others, and might actually be what they needed today.
    In short, no need to down the op for not perfectly describing you. She did well generalizing depression and the people that suffer from it.
  4. How is that a good generalization? It excludes most of the population by definition and excluded a huge fraction of what's left by effect. Most people are not teenagers, and most of the teenagers I knew/know who were/are legitimately, diagnosably (not necessarily diagnosed, but should have been) depressed had a waaaaay different set of problems.

    Most of this is teenage angst. It's feeling awful for a day or two and bouncing back up. Are there people who this 100% applies to, chronically? Absolutely. But they're probably the minority. And this post makes it out to be the norm, which only furthers the whole "nobody can understand, nobody can help" mentality that is more common.

    I'm not saying people like OP describes don't exist, or aren't important. I'm saying, based on extensive personal experience, that it provides neither a good generalization nor a convincing representation of a depressed person, teenager or otherwise. It gives people who have no personal depression experiences the wrong idea, and thus can be harmful to the people they try to help.
  5. Also what is this forum's obsession with quoting people they're having a conversation with? You posted right after me, about things I said. I can understand that concept without a giant block quote, and I like to think most people can too.
  6. Thrawn the more people that tell their story, the more will realise that they are not alone.
    The op may not cover everything, or even correctly. But it starts a discussion that people like yourself can add to.

    The more communication. The more understanding, the more that people will understand they are not alone in facing huge obstacles.
    That their is help out there if they look for it.

    I'm glad you posted. The more like yourself who do, the better this thread becomes as a tool for helping.

    Sharing links to local charities and support lines is also incredibly useful where possible.
    My prior link is posted but I'm sure there are many more support networks.

    As I said earlier. Threads like this are justified if they help just one person.
    But with more community input. Maybe it could be turned into so much more. And that would be something we can all be proud of.
  7. Think that was the intention of this thread being made. But nevermind that ****, let's crap on the OP just because. KaW player base never fails to live up to their stereotype.
  8. Yes exactly this is what this is all about. Someone actually did message me with information about some online support groups and organisations that help with stuff like this it was well worth the post no matter what.
  9. I think the aim of this was to raise awareness. It might ring true for some and it might not for others. Perhaps the delivery could have been improved but nonetheless, I think OP had good intentions.

    What is lacking in today's society is education and awareness, particularly about this very topic: mental illness. Too many people rely on the news and social media as their sources of information. This is a dangerous move to make. Firstly, the news rarely covers such topics. And if it does, it's often about a celebrity (please note I am not trying to take a way from a person's suffering but often the news does not get to the heart of the matter). Social media like Facebook and Tumblr tend to romanticise having a mental illness. They make it sound like everyone should be suffering from one or have had one. They make it sound like the newest trend. Let me tell you from personal experience that that is far from the truth.

    So the message I have is: educate yourselves. If you don't understand a term (e.g. major depressive disorder or schizophrenia), research it. Go to the library and borrow a book. Read the DSM 5 (but do not self diagnose. The DSM is more than just a check list). Get online and Google it. There are plenty of charities, organisations and campaigns that have very good information and chat services. Ask a mental health professional. Go to an information session. Or better yet, connect with someone you know who is dealing or has dealt with a mental illness and talk to them (only if they are comfortable discussing it). Listen to them. Understand their perspective.

    We need to raise awareness about these issues. However, that's not all there is to it. It needs to be an educated awareness. We need to remove the stigma attached to mental illness and remove the mentality that mental illness is the current trend in society. Be aware of the people around you and educate yourselves.