Sparta Elite

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VeIde, Sep 6, 2016.

  1. True the game is dwindling. Mostly because the devs have listened to the squeaky wheels that yak about losing allies They don't realize osw clans make this game what it is. We don't care about the lb it's an afterthought
  2. I give it a couple years people have to understand its a pvp game its based of wars and losing allies is a part of it ...need to stop complaining and accept it and the game will run alot smoother
  3. After all its just a game so why complain about something that the game is based off of
  4. Shut your mouth piss ant
  5. I was talking to cynder
  6. Support. APOC is full of garbage. Ball in the day they were respectable now they are just zaft wannabe rejects looking for revenge LMFAO
  7. I wasnt talking to your illiterate self
  8. Your copy an paste weak stuff velde. I'll hand you your culo on a plate smart ass
  9. Now thats more like it
  10. Ok battalion for 1 stahp being so salty bruh.
    2. We do trust velde since i recruited him in as a respected and trustworthy friend(velde)
  11. It's too bad my popcorn machine broke down :(
  12. It's too bad my popcorn machine broke down.
  13. I remember big bear from se, helped Aztec a lot when I started it, great guy.
  14. First ever CF lmao.
  15. I was gonna support this thread but then you lied and said LR ppl are friendly and nice and actually show respect and then I knew... You will not last...
  16. Hold up no inc? What abt my fbsthru u and snake u call that no inc velde? U moled and when caught u ran u played the whole RL card u weren't worth keeping

  17. Hmmm... Drops/Linds/friends vs SFH OSW... You cried like a baby and were the first to ask for a cf 
    You know I like you Velde but don't be posting outrageous chest beating fibs on the forums... Or I'll have to dig out those tear filled cf pm's 
  18. Ive only cf to one person ever in my kaw history and hes the reason why i haven't cf afterwards he taught me most about pvp and osw i can find screenshots too lmfao and this was years ago when i was a fairy
  19. In ur news feed and insaine only man i ever cf tp who is currently up in annilation
  20. Didn't like clan

    Felt he was treated unfairly

    ......... Joined LR, the clan known for its hospitality, fair gaming and unprecedented level of morals.

    Gj, here's a cookie.

    OMG, does its filling look familiar? (Hint, Check the bathroom mirror)