Sparta Elite

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VeIde, Sep 6, 2016.

  1. Hmm where do i start ... Ok ima start with a hi my name is velde im ex Sparta elite or more SEU when it wasnt full of prissy would just like to say a few things to them which im sure many can agree with. First things first ..they are failing ... See heres where it started they had 3 clans and are now down to one .. Sparta elite force started to down fall so the merged into sparta elite underworld(SEU) now its down to two clans... A few months after that they used the excise they want to make us bigger and merged SEU into SE the reason why i was kicked ... I was in another clan didnt want to be in SE but heres the reason .. They dont know how to treat their members..its demand demand demand they act like bullies and barely show respect to some of their own members and ik a few people who would agree to this ... Their fights are never 1v1 always break pvp rules so none of their members look bad .. See alot of their "Loyal Members" left... Some found other home and some merge to kotfe simply cause SE was dying because the leaders of SE dont know how to run it .. They cant even run strips properly and ik alot of you guys can vouch for that they lost alot of members and are currently recruiting anyone if your trynna join apoc lmfao so hit up peps and he'll let you in or his side kick battalion. See now currently im at LR yes last rights ..yes i switched sides due to a loyal friend who had my back and vouched for me and now im here ( Shout out to DJ Snake) see the peeps here are actually friendly and nice and ACTUALLY SHOW RESPECT. And since ive been here all i been getting is talk and no inc.. FFS i been helping a friend hit a merc clan whos currently in osw and they hit back more than yall!! A freaking kerc clan! !??? Y'all supposed to be high and mighty? Fall down to no man? Well yall are falling alright ..falling big time and i know alot can agree so i advise those left with the little common sense should leave before it gets worse cause im glad i did and im sure everyone else who left is to ... Funny how the people who was supposed to have your back can be quick to talk smack .. And i bet even after this post still nothing will happen FFS yall know my TZ .. Tbh zaft is better than yall SE is a sad dying clan and if you wanna join a clan full of traitors , disrespectful people and peeps with no common sense join SE they accepting everyone. .. Support this thread
  2. Support
  3. There's not a single original member in SE. I should know as I'm 1 of the founders of that clan. That clan was a great clan in the beginning and it's been run in to the ground by a bunch of idiots who haven't got a clue! Do everyone a favour and just let it die with dignity! It deserves so much better
  4. Agreed
  5. I got you bro you know you with fam now not a bunch of chest beating, salty eb fairys
  6. Velde, brother, if you're gonna make a thread. Please take your time and don't make a wall of text. So hard to read.
  7. Facts fam
  8. Salty much, luv the attention doe. Lol
  9. What's a kerc clan btw ? Dead.
  10. SE has hurt you it's the only reason you have made this thread you got your ass handed to you.
  11. Yes they did hurt me they did dp me dirt but aint no one handed me my own ass bow down to no man
  12. Side note though, Snake isn't all that intelligent, or a good player (not that I'm one to speak about skill).

    Feel free to call me a chest beating fairy. None of the many opponent clans will be in my newsfeed.
  13. You seem like you're the type of guy to love that Velde ;) anyways you're a crying baby if you truly once considered them family you wouldn't be running your mouth like a salty (Insert Appropriate word here). Enjoy your new "Family" and quit ranting mate.
  14. Nah i think ill rant all i want call me what you want see if it affects me lmfao
  15. No longer part of SE here
    Friends with Velde

    1 word

    "Parapgraphs" bro
  16. Lmfao how do you know the level of my intelligence? Plz explain how you know my intelligence and how i have a reputation of being good at pvp lol