
Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Cobra, Aug 29, 2016.

  1. A tie for #1? xD
  2. Yes. It's pretty self-explanatory. The weighted factors come up even, so they tie. It's like sporting events, if you have the same tie, you're both #1, and the next loser is only #3.
  3. Well it's not impossible just highly unlikely. Grats to takuni for closing the gap :p
  4. Wow that's pretty impressive. Are we seeing the end of the great Silph's reign as #1?
  5. What are the chances of that happening haha
  6. We should focus on the fact that there is no 2... Meaning that 3rd is now 2nd. Which means that 3 is more powerful than before.

    What else has 3? Wooloolooop has 3 sets of "oo"s meaning the obvious.

  7. Moody just blew my mind. Thank you sir.
  8. Silphs reign won't end until resignation. Just like Red.
  9. Don't send that color anymore -_-
  10. Its just my forum color, I've had it for a year or two.
  11. You're annoying
  12. I don't see any colour and I don't even see the message moody quoted..I feel left out
  13. Same ;-; what color?
  14. Any better!?
  15. It's the same color as the forum background color. xD Click the quote button to see it.
  16. everything has been confirmed
  17. Red was never #1 overall that I can recall, he was 1 on ally LB. Not sure why anyone cares who overall leader is anyway, ally LB is the only guage of actual power.
  18. He was most definitely #1 on the overall leaderboard, and for quite a long time.
  19. The whole time I remember red being one in ally chongo was 1 overall then cella was one overall rest the time
  20. No.. Red was definitely #1 overall..