How about option to build new castle on every new tier lands, just one castle is so weak it has no effect at all, stats are lame after a month it's basically just in the way
So are all my other buildings. We need to get rid of all of them too. Just make the castle we already have more powered by adding more tiers to it.
Yeah! Was thinking your idea recently. I think we should be able to have a new lvl 4 castle, for no other reason but more static stats. Why you gotta beat me to the Newcastle Ale pic? lol
That would be amazing. To be able to build AND sell a castle on Highlands, Hoarfrost, Abyss, and Osmon Rai. This castle will give some static stats I assume? No support. That would nerf my sexiest build of all time. Unless the new castle tier's do not unlock new features. I like my level 1 castle just the way it is with unlocked mage and everything C: